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Får jeg lov, kjære VIF'er, å poste en dagbok her på forumet? Jeg tenkte
det kunne være lærerikt for de som ikke har gått gjennom den rusen jeg
går gjennom for øyeblikket. . . Jeg prøver nå ut alle organiske underbevissthetsutvidende stoffer, LSA, Bulmeurt & Salvia Divinorum. Fra en forfatters synspunkt.
me my guest! tviler på at noen andre her heller har noe imot det, heller tvert imot!
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Blir fett, dette må du lage
Helt greit for meg, men spørs hva "the important people" sier..
The reader may not be too surprised, if I state on behalf of this densely populated earth, and the times that it currently inhabits, that religion, which sheep-like followers, imbued with the lethargy of desolation and the lack of knowledge, tend to with their hearts, does not come into the category of things I would care to look upon as important, concerning the philosophy of natural magic, the most individual of arts. As you may have guessed, the writer of this particular compilation of the sciences pertaining to, at large, animistic practices, is biased towards its beliefs to such a degree as to be wholly encumbered by its system of thought and highly original theories. Though, perhaps abstract (and to some extreme, maybe even loathsome) to the minds of those who hold no inclinations to believe in a higher power, also to those with no inclinations at all, the key that is this book will at least present to the reader an interesting concoction of delirious ramblings.

MAY 16, 2006
Few choices would exist, if one were to lean against the evergreens, and say: "I've learned all there is to know; the sun sets when sleep arrives, the night covers man, breeding dark cells inside his heart. Spreading out, transcending his aura, they become like incubii, leaving behind them traces of energy, still in action on the very day of annihilation. They become everlasting creatures."
Even though one can presume (surely that has been done previously to these writings?) that dreams are a product of wanting to explain what one cannot explain when awake, there are other ways of becoming infinite, which does not at all concern darkness, and with it, the murky depths of fantasy versus illusion. On the contrary; free will can be born of light, and with free will comes the passion of knowledge and of truth. Dreams, to such an extent as is possible, foretells the life of the dreamer in detail. They are learnings well worth to be considered as crucial to the student's psychological upbringing, and for those of you who are parents (teachers), please note that listening to your children's dreams can provide you with inspiration, even when shrivelled to the core by loss of internal stimulation. And when, as Baudelaire wrote:
Et si quelquefois,
sur les marches d'un palais,
sur l'herbe verte d'un fossé,
dans la solitude morne de votre chambre,
vous vous réveillez,
l'ivresse déjà diminuée ou disparue,
ask the wind what to do.
Enhancing dreams is easily done by constantly residing in the worlds of different subconscious-inducing substances. Drying toadstools, ex., over an open fire, and drinking its juice, is one of the many pleasures life has to offer. All objects on and outside this earth contains not a likeness to, but the very same energy as humans. "Being no more a gift than all other gifts", the majority of "intellectual" people seems to think of the human race as somewhat above and beyond the likeness of other species. Ask the wind, and it will say those people are members of the greatest masonic-ish hypocrisy mingling ever to have existed. Let us choose, and walk, the path of Pan.

Limbs of the Moon
The mushroom known as Amanita Muscaria, in laymen's terms the fly agaric, toadstool, is one of great esoteric power, in that it makes the person who indulge in its singularities aware of the inner workings of the energy that makes "is" go round. Echoes, far beyond human imagination, are usually caught in a loop. If the feeling of digging oneself out of this loop should become too laborious a measure, one turns to black magic. Light is as weak as people who confess their pains to a god built upon faith alone. - Knowledge of this particular mushroom is the seed of all metaphysical wisdom. . . . I pray the reader be diligent in its senses, reading my disposition towards those murky depths, and, hoping to learn of your innermost emotions, I await your escape in thrilling devotion to what remains of your body, which in due time will make our shore.
Keep in mind that cannibalism is one of the two main rules of survival. The first rule teaches how to make the most out of the madness you will eventually exhibit, painting with your own blood upon the sacred dwellings of God. Bones be the way of communing. Stones be the way of binding the mirror with the soul, a river of fornication, sterility the greater dream; should it come to pass, man would seek women as rabbits do. This evoluntary (naming existensialism as a quasi-delict) behaviour is by no means accepted in the philosophy of nature combined with nature by an effort of will to impose itself on others.
kan man spørre hvorfor du går gjennom disse stoffene? Er det bare for å ha gjort det, religiøse/spirituelle grunner, antropiske???
For å få rede på hvordan de fungerer.
det forstod jeg egentlig :P, men hvordan de fungere i sammenheng med hva? I profilen din nevner du magi, er det en faktor?
TheGEEK's Avatar
Noe av det beste jeg har lest på veldig lenge; du har en gave. Jeg vil påstå du har noe av det vakreste språket jeg noen gang har lest(såklart med enkelte unntak).
Bravo! Bravo!
MAY 17th, 2006
Ask me about set & setting, and I will answer: Boredom is the perfect set for ingesting that upon which the subject will be meditating. A twelve hour fasting is sufficient for the effects to violently present themselves within his body. Physical sensations may include intense nausea, abdominal pains (stinging), sweating and salivation, as well as twitching of the muscles, especially in the arms. Colours appear brighter, God enters through the center of his emotions; the subject experiences a pleasurable happiness. Sleep usually follows, and when awaken by his dreams, he realises that the universe has come to be an egg of some sort. The subject has not yet been born. This sentence becomes one with the loop, mentioned earlier. "Is", has no meaning. Subject remains calm. World remains calm. Count down to the latter problem of

Seeing, Learned From the Insides of My Window
He stares at the reflection of a face covered in large pupils. Mydriasis of the mind. Knees are no longer made of bone, body suffers a gelatinous punishment. Had he not had the ability, the idea, of intellect, - given to him by means of the sacrament, he would never have gotten up from those pits of hell known as the "gellies". That is when and why he stops staring, moves on to the more surprising feelings of proudness towards his own body. The shape of it, the gentle brain with its electric cells, hidden until the day they emerge and feed on simpler ideas, again the shape of things, - coveting nature by loving the lives of every atom, every flower, every personality; good and evil and all else that lie between them, the insides of my window shows me equilibrium, and how it should apply to all matters concerning the heart. "Love thy neighbour" has been said many times before, but doing what is expected when shredding that "rule" to pieces, - how can the subject fully know the ins and outs of a moralistic society? Pray, Heavens, tell! what is to be expected of this humble outcast?
He hopes for simpler times to return, like those centuries ago, when hard work was a citizen's primary concern. Dragging barrows to the market, back in the day when practicioners of magic were frowned upon, even persecuted and murdered. Wouldn't it be exciting to relive one's past life as a decrepid?
Hvorfor skriver du på engelsk? ;P
Han har sikkert kopiert noen andres dagbok
Har kunnet forstått det viss det var et skole prosjekt eller noe som skulle skrives på engelsk, men tror du har skrevet om feil emne vis det er skole saker ;p
Litt slitsomt med de eeeeeeeeevige setningene med sååååå masse kommaer, men eller veldig fint!
ok, jeg kan skifte over til norsk, og sløyfe de lange setningene. Gjøre det litt mer konsist.
Du er virkelig tilpassningsdyktig!
Glder meg til å lese om flere av eksperimentene og tankene dine, på
norsk eller engelsk, det er det samme for meg.
hm.... interessant ofcourse, men slett ingen dagbok, heller en ytring av tanker og følelser dypt inne i ditt eget sinn under påvirkining, mye satt uforståelig for de som ikke har vært borte i psykadeliske stoffer skulle jeg tro og enig i det at det blir et litt vel slitsomt oppsett, engelsken plager meg ikke, men kommaene må bare bort ;P
ellers meget interessant, for min del må du bare fortsette.