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Skriver på en halvødelagt telefon så holder det kort og godt.

Finnes det noen app der man enkelt kan tracke rusbruken sin? Hva en har tatt og hvor mye en har tatt.

Ofte tenkt det ville vært interessant å se tilbake på. Hender jeg lurer på hvor gærent konsumet mitt egentlig er.

Alternativet er kanskje å lage et excel ark med ferdig mal som således kan gjøres om til grafer? Kanskje noen som har noe sånt liggende?

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meaculpaUIO's Avatar
Ut av tåka appen kan vel brukes slik.
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Sitat av meaculpaUIO Vis innlegg
Ut av tåka appen kan vel brukes slik.
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Sitat av Google play
DrugLog gives users the tools to monitor their drug usage, for the goal of creating safer drug use and harm reduction. Users Add logs of their drug uses and are given statistics and graphs to help them evaluate usage to make safer choices. DrugLog provides resources on a wide array of drugs to give users easy access to the information they need. Users are given the ability to set Notifications and Reminders regarding their drug usage.
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Ser at DrugLog har statistikker mangler muligheten til å opprette nye kategorier og mangler reseptbelagte legemidler. Så fant derfor frem en til. Håper det var til hjelp.

Sitat av Google play
This consumption diary is a quick and easy way to record your consumption habits. Depending on what substances you want to track, you can choose a suggested category such as cannabis, alcohol. prescription drugs etc., or define a category and dosage of your own.

Download the Arud app to monitor your consumption every day. Enter your daily consumption and how you feel every day, and if you want you can activate messages so that you don’t forget

Your data will only be stored on your phone and is absolutely anonymous. Everything is processed on your phone and stored locally. We will never store your data on an external server, so that no security gaps can arise. The Arud consumption diary lets you track your consumption habits completely independently.

The Arud consumption diary app on your smartphone is a handy diary to track your consumption habits every day and help you consciously deal with it.

Most people consume without any problems. But when does it become damaging? With the Arud consumption diary you can assess your own consumption and get help if you want. Generate messages, reminders and alarms to always be up-to-date with your daily and past consumption.

What can this diary app do?

- Daily record of consumption habits
- Note your mood, cravings and stress levels
- Self-test to assess consumption level of substances such as marijuana, alcohol and prescription drugs
- Clear statistics of your own consumption habits
- Share reports with trusted person / therapist via e-mail
- Optional: Set goals and receive push messages when they are met
- Alcohol calculator to work out your current alcohol level
- Calorie calculator to see how many calories the alcohol you have drunk contains

Do you want to know if your consumption is a problem, or do you just want to track your habits out of curiosity? The Arud consumption diary app can help you.

We are committed to the health and quality of life of users, and promoting discussion of a pragmatic, science-based and sympathetic addiction policy. We support the decriminalisation of drug consumption and do not distinguish between legal and illegal substances, but between low-risk and high-risk consumption. Medical treatment for addiction should be available to all those who need it. On both a national and international level, we are heavily involved in establishing a network of hepatitis C experts to ensure treatment for infected drug users. Our international research work contributes to new knowledge and we make our expertise available in Switzerland and abroad. As a recognised FMH training institute Arud trains prospective specialist doctors and is a practical training organisation for social workers.

We respect the life choices of our patients and accept that this can include the use of psychoactive substances – as long as it is compatible with the well-being of society. We meet our patients on an equal footing and help them shape their lives in a way that minimises risks and maximises self-determination. Treatment steps are always agreed jointly and we try to make sure everyone gets a suitable treatment, taking account of the existing opportunities and limitations. We promote the independence and self-determination of those affected in daily life and work towards improving their physical, mental and social health and thus their quality of life.
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Avdanka debattant
Adeith's Avatar
Sitat av knert1 Vis innlegg

Ser at DrugLog har statistikker mangler muligheten til å opprette nye kategorier og mangler reseptbelagte legemidler. Så fant derfor frem en til. Håper det var til hjelp.

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Tusen takk! Sjekkes ut med en gang.
ओम नमो नारायण
Dodecha's Avatar
Er det for vanskelig å bare slenge opp et Excel ark og skrive inn selv? Da har man jo rådataene og kan lage diverse statistikker og grafer.
Avdanka debattant
Adeith's Avatar
Sitat av Dodecha Vis innlegg
Er det for vanskelig å bare slenge opp et Excel ark og skrive inn selv? Da har man jo rådataene og kan lage diverse statistikker og grafer.
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Ja om man ikke kan excel så er det for vanskelig

Jeg vet hvordan jeg lager en boks, men hvordan former jeg det slik at det blir systematisk og ryddig?

Sitat av knert1 Vis innlegg

Ser at DrugLog har statistikker mangler muligheten til å opprette nye kategorier og mangler reseptbelagte legemidler. Så fant derfor frem en til. Håper det var til hjelp.

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Den første fantes visst ikke til iOS og den andre var på ukjent språk. Vet du om det går an å bytte språk?
Sist endret av Adeith; 8. august 2021 kl. 18:38. Grunn: Automatisk sammenslåing med etterfølgende innlegg.
Er hvordan du fremkaller ryddig statistisk informasjon.

Kan du lære deg å lage grafer.

Åja, det måtte være til iOS... Du finner nok noen om du søker i appstore. Jeg har ikke iPhone eller appstore.
Sitat av Adeith Vis innlegg
Ja om man ikke kan excel så er det for vanskelig
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Om man knoter 15 minutter i excel, så skal det være nok til å gjennomføre ditt behov + litt ekstra hvis du vil ha fancy grafer.