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hei, vet det er flere tråder om dette men finner ikke noen råd om hva som bør gjøres!

jeg satt på msn da jeg plutselig ble fralogget, noen hadde gått inn på msn min og endret pw!

alt dette er pga de ville ha tilgang til min nordicmafia konto (www.nordicmafia.net)
de fikk da sendt pw til hotmailen og gikk inn på min konto, fikk da pm til en annen konto jeg hadde som kontakter fra min egen account.

men nok om det, har et par programmer som vistnok skal kunne hacke hotmail men har ikke klart det!

noen som vet hvordan jeg kan få tilbake msn?

fikk ikke til denne men om noen vil prøve:


*I am an ex- employee of msn, so that’s how i know!
*If you dont already have one, open a hotmail account
*Send a mail from your account to (ADMINISTRATION OPERATIONS)
*Put subject as `lost password`
*Type the following in the email: lostpasswordfor>victims email>sendto"your login/password""
*This message will be recieved by a computer that will think you are a hotmail staff member .You must enter your own login name and password as the script needs a valid login to work. You should receive a reply within 24 hours.

*I am not responsible for YOUR actions , so if you want to use this go a head but it is illegal !!

min hacka msn het

takk om noen klarer det!

her er enda en hack men skjønte ingenting av den! bare og prøve den!

//////\\\\\\\Hacking Mirabilis & Hotmail Users Passwords\\\\\\\\///////

Hacker-Cracker : ReaL|sTy

Date: 4/8/2001

Type: Tutorial

New Ideas has arrived, well this it's very easy and maybe it could work for you, you will need just a little creative this ideas came to me, in seconds cot's a friend wants to hack an ICQ friend's password to use his number,cot's it seems that most emails crackers don't work! even the ICQ passwords stealers most of them Don't do nothing! then i was thinking............... there are Anonymous Emailers that are very good.... well you will need one of them, i'll tell you where to get them later and why you need them....first thing you have to do it's make and account with any email provider.....but why? cot's that's the email where you will receive your hacked password.... make this steps:

1.make a new email account with any email provider, use a login name like for example: , , better if: , Hotmail_administrator@hotmail.com,yahoo@yahoo.com, yahoo_staff@yahoo.com,Mirabilis_ICQ@...@ho tmail.com,........

2.get a good anonymous emailer, type in the field where says from: that means where the email came from, then in the field where says: to:
type the emails that you want to hack the passwords from, it could be a few emails if you want each one separated by a (,) type any email that will give your friend credit, witch means everyone will believe everything you wrote it's true. then in the fields where the email it's supposed to came from type an email that maybe will be real and everyone will believe, example: , , ,
yahoo_helper@yahoo.com,Hotmail_admin........... .etc

All Depends of the email you want to hack, mirabilis, yahoo, hotmail, all any other......so you'll have to write and email with mirabilis name if you want to hack a mirabilis(ICQ) user password.

3.then this is the most important part that i'm going to explain now....:

in the email message you have to write like you were a real person witch want to help someone, a real email or site administrator, for example write this:

Subject: Information about your email account!!!!

Hotmail Administrator

Dear Hotmail Users:

We are sorry if any of these days you're having problems to loging,or messages like your account was canceled,we are having serious problems we our site, and now we're having some arrangements to improve our service and give you the best posible service you deserve! so we lost part of our server database information and we need to verify your Account information and store again your personal information with your password so we need you to send us your email account password to verify everything and correct any posible errors with your account, that will increase all service speed,the best service possible imaging,and will be free of bugs and erros-mistakes that you could have by entering in our site. Please this is very serious and we need to get your password as soon as posible, so your account won't be delete and canceled by our database administrator..

Please Refer your password here as soon as posible: <----that's the email account you make for you

Other matter your account will be canceled and deleted

thanks for your cooperation!!!

ATT: Hotmail Team

Note: Once you have and email account stealed password..to get his or her icq password all you have to do it's configured her/his icq number as yours and when it'll ask you for the password select forgot password and enter her/his email address and then they will send you the password for his/her email....all you have to do it's logging to the email account check the emails and obtain the password. )

that information can be use for ICQ, yahoo users etc.. of course changing some words......if your friend is to smart maybe he won't believe in that history, but who cares..try it.out all depends of how you do it.maybe it could work for you, you don't have nothing to lose!!

remember to write the letter in any language specially english, if the person you know speaks english, so he or she will read the email faster and understand everything you wrote..! for and spanish person try to write the letter in spanish..etc and if you want to hack and ICQ Password,hotmail, yahoo or wherever is.. remember to make and email account with a name that will identified you as someone or something from the server you want to hack, for example if you want to hack a hotmail user password ,your account email ,that you've made. should be,the name, something with hotmail.. the same stuff for any other server.of course with the corresponding server name. )

4. Where to get a good anonymous emailers?..good cuestion in my idrive page i got 2 good ones...and they works really good!!! names: GhostMailer v5.1.zip and EmailBomber.zip i recommend you to use the Emailbomber if you're not and experienced user dealing with this.

Why do I have to use and anonymous Emailer? cot's that's the real hard part of the job the program will make it easier for you...the anonynous emailer will send and email with a fake email address, and the email receiver will believe what the email says in most cases for about 90%....imagine that you write to someone's email with this email: <----Fake email or and compare them with this ones(Posible Accounts that you've made) :


he or she will believe in the ones that says, microsoft.com that's what i think!!! if they don't they're too Fool!!!! any way you can try it out with the account that you have made to see what happens and a fake email address by using the anonymous emailer program. if you use and anonymoys email address, remember to specify at the end of the letter where the password it's suppose to be send that will be the email account that you've made with the refered server of the user you want to Hack!

Remember this Part:

Please Refer your password here as soon as posible: <----that's the email account you make for you

Other matter your account will be canceled and deleted

thanks for your cooperation!!!

ATT: Hotmail Team

my PAge: http://www.idrive.com/ricardof01/files

Also you can find alot of good utilities and anonymous emailers in this sites:

http://www.tlsecurity.com http://hackersclub.com

http://www.hackers-supply.com http://neworder.box.sk

http://www.progenic.com http://www.antionline.com

http://packetstorm.securify.com http://www.uha1.com

http://www.astalavista.box.sk http://xillusion.net

http://www.splitsecond.nu http://www.astalavista.com/en

There is another way to hack ICQ users passwords but it's alittle harder..... this Ideas and information belongs to one of the Progenic Warfare group..and maybe could help you out...this is what it says:

How to steal your mates password in 1 hard step and 1 easy step--

-The Hard Part-

Ok First tell you mate something . Anything but what you have to do is get him to put
your email address in his info. Or get him to put in and just give him a
shit reason to put it in there. I`ve done it once so you probbley can.

-The Really Easy Part-

Ok Now you got your email address in his info what do you do next? well you simpley goto
this url.


now once there click the java button saying i forgot my password. Once at that page
put his uin in there and buy magic his password is being emailed to you.

Note that it will take about 1hr or so before you get the email.

Ok nice. Don`t forget about my new up comming program WarBar.

Emails goto :
Website : infra.progenic.com

© Progenic Warfare 1998-99 - Famous for our own programs not the work of others.
© Infra Red Software 1999

***My Contact Information***:

Email : (got msn)

ICQ #: 66453452

My Sites:


Begge metodene går utpå å sende mailer til offret og demed få offret til å gi ifra seg passordet.

Det er ingenting som er sant av at du må sende fra deg passordet for å ha en gyldig login for å få sjekket, det skriver dem bare for å få lurt av deg passordet ditt.

Du har ikke sjangs nå, bare glem den hotmailen, eventuelt igjenåpne den hvis den ikke blir brukt på 30 dager eller hvor lenge det skal til før hotmail sletter den hvis den ikke brukes.

Og ikke vær så dum at du lar det gå ann å gjette eller la noen se passordet ditt.

Hvis ikke mafiagreiene dine er ødelagt allerede, så bør du jo kjappe deg å skifte mailen og passordet på mafiakontoan din også.
hva med å klikke at du har glemt pw? å svare på det hemmelige spm..
Unsub's Avatar
har glemt det hemmelige spørsmålet dessverre!

men han som hacket kontoen min vet jeg ikke hvem er!

han bor langt vekk kan ikke ha vist hvem jeg er!

han tok msn fra nordic og hacket derfra, så må finnes en måte og hacke den tilbake!

og nordicmafia har han ødelagt totalt men jeg var iallefall gangster, har btw send mail til nordicmafia og spurt etter om jeg kan få kontoen min igjen!

det dumme er at jeg har mistet alle kontaktene mine på msn innkludert folk jeg skal selge ting til!
spm.hvor mange tegn måtte det være på svaret i hemmelig spm?
▼ ... noen måneder senere ... ▼
hei jeg har mistet min msn å tror du at du kan få tak i han fyren som hjelpa deg å hacke tilbake msn din eller hjelpe meg? jeg vill ha tilbake min msn
Sitat av bolle2k
hei jeg har mistet min msn å tror du at du kan få tak i han fyren som hjelpa deg å hacke tilbake msn din eller hjelpe meg? jeg vill ha tilbake min msn
Vis hele sitatet...
Kan du prøve og forklare litt mer en at du bare har mistet msn? Sletta programmet? eller har noen tatt over mailen din?

Forklar litt mer så blir det kansje lettere for oss andre og hjelpe deg
noen har tatt over mailen min å skiftet passord å det er sånn 6 år siden jeg laget denne mailen så husker jo ikke akurat det "hemmelige passordet"
har du prøvd å se etter hva spørsmålet er? Vanligvis så velger man jo f.ex. "your mothers maiden name" eller noe sånt, og det er jo det samme nå som den gang, og om du ikke skulle huske det, så er det jo ikke vanskelig å finne ut, så lenge du ikke bare fant på noe bullshit da.

Forøvrig, så tror jeg egentlig den øverste teknikken bare er en måte å lure deg selv på... der sender du jo faktisk fra deg ditt eget brukernavn og passord til en annen konto, som jeg sterkt tviler på at er det det står at den er... Resten satser bare på å lure folk til å gi det fra seg.

Såvidt jeg skjønner har han hatt samme passord til msn (og selvsagt hotmailkontoen sin), og nordicmafia? Så har han gitt en eller annen passordet til nordicmafiakontoen sin, og denne personen har så funnet ut at han skulle gjøre litt faan, og testa om det var samme passord til hotmail/msn også... og så skiftet det ut. Han har ikke blitt hacka i det hele tatt, han har rett og slett vært dum og gitt fra seg passordet sitt.
jeg har ikke gitt passordet mitt til noen ivertfall. å har ikke noe konto på nordicmafia
Poenget var: de taktikkene over funker ikke
hva er det som funker da