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A Bronx Tale

Introduksjon til A Bronx Tale

"Calogero Anello is a 9-year old child living in the Bronx – notorious for gangster bars, racist people and aggressive nature. Calogero witnesses a shooting in the street involving local big shot gangster, Sonny (Chazz Palimentri), but refuses to grass him to the police. Sonny grows fond of the child and begins to teach him how things are conducted on streets. Calogero’s father (Robert DeNiro) is a working man who wants his child to grow up and make his money honestly, and does not want him to mix with Sonny. Despite his father’s disapproval, for eight years he continues to see Sonny, and receives a ‘street’ education from him. Despite being a gangster, Sonny loves Calogero and teaches him that being a gangster is too risky and dangerous. However Calogero misinterprets Sonny’s message, and still gets involved with racist fights with his friends. Things get worse when he falls in love with a black girl. This story of the Bronx, as a child grows up with two educations, one from school and one from the street. As the child grows closer to a gangster, he begins to grow away from his family."

Jeg må bare si at det er en av de beste filmene jeg noen gang har sett.
Filmen får fram de største punktene ang. mafiaen i New York, den er innholdsrik, den setter deg i et annet perspektiv ang. mafiaen, den følger livet til en vanlig gutt som vokser opp i et "mafia dominert" område i New York.
Filmen griper tak i deg og holder deg gjennom hele filmen, du vil se mer.
Du bygger på en måte opp et "vennskap" / "Forhold" til personene i filmen, dette gjør at du får en real smell da noe skjer med de.

Jeg er vel ikke flink til å lage revyer til filmer (dette er den første) så derfor poster jeg en annen revy av filmen under:

It's New York City in 1960 -- the Fordham neighborhood. Living at East 187th Street is the family of Calogero (played at age 9 by Francis Capra and at age 17 by Lillo Brancato). Calogero's father Lorenzo (Robert De Niro) believes that a man should work hard for a living, and thus refuses to be involved in anything that has illegal overtones, such as working for Sonny (Chazz Palminteri), the local "boss". Calogero has different views, however. He idolizes Sonny, and, given a chance to help the "boss" beat a murder rap, Calogero takes it. A grateful Sonny brings the 9-year old under his wing and, despite the protestations of Lorenzo, a bond develops. Soon, Calogero has two fathers -- each giving different advice and neither respecting what the other has to say.

Robert De Niro has appeared in some of the greatest gangster films of the past two decades, working for directors such as Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather 2), Brian DePalma (The Untouchables), and, of course, Martin Scorsese (Goodfellas). As a result, it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that De Niro has chosen this genre for his first behind-the-camera motion picture.

A Bronx Tale covers little new ground, but the material's presentation is anything but ordinary. Sure, on the surface, it's another gangster movie, but the story, like the deeply-realized characters, is multi-layered. A Bronx Tale could be accused of tackling too much, and perhaps its few failures are because of an overly-ambitious scope, but the film has impressive vision and packs a legitimate emotional punch.

While there is violence in A Bronx Tale, it isn't a focal point (curiously, most of the violent scenes are fairly "clean" -- we see graphic beatings, but little blood). Instead, as they should be, the characters are kept at the center. The three principles -- Calogero, Sonny, and Lorenzo -- are all well-realized. This is as much a credit to the writing of Chazz Palminteri and the direction of Robert De Niro as to the quartet of fine actors essaying the characters.

If the movie takes a wrong turn, it's in trying to incorporate an anti-racist theme by having Calogero fall for Jane, a black girl. Today, mixed race relationships are subject to various tensions and pressures, but that's nothing compared to how it was in 1968, and A Bronx Tale isn't as successful putting these issues in perspective as when it deals with the complex relationship of Calogero and his "two fathers." As in The Godfather trilogy, family is the central issue here.

De Niro successfully varies the tone, keeping it light and playful at times, dark and somber at others. A Bronx Tale is his triumph, and a testimony that all those years of watching the best in the business have borne fruit. If what is yet to come has any of the promise shown by this debut, we may be witnessing the birth of yet another directing talent.

Jeg vil gi denne filmen 9/10 eller topper mot 10/10.
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