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Så en film på youtube der en fyr har klart å fått The Kids sin klassiker "Forelska i Læreren" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43Nk6JREwNo) på Guitar Hero. Er ikke sikker på om det var på PC. Lurte på om noen visste muligheten for å legge inn sanger på et PS2-Spill?

Håper på kjapt svar

- Genetic
Du finn nok meir om dette på Scorehero.com enn nokon andre plassar.
Fant ingenting om det. Gir du meg en link?
Han kan ha lagd notene selv, og lagt på The Kids sangen
ha hørt at det skal være mulig og legge til vilke sanger du selv vil på guitar hero 3. skal være noen filmer på youtube om hvordan, du trenger et par program til dataen...
Siden du ikke gir informasjon om hvilket Guitar Hero spill du har til PS2 din eller om den er chippet så slenger jeg opp et sitat fra WikiHow...

Sitat av www.wikihow.com
1. Insert Guitar Hero 2 into DVD-drive. Once the computer recognizes the disc, open the disc and pull out all the contents of the CD onto your Desktop. Put them in a folder, dubbed Guitar Hero 2. After you moved it, open the folder and Locate Gen and locate the Main.Hdr file. Right Click, go to properties. Make sure the Read-only box is NOT checked.

2. Go to Scorehero.com and look up charts for songs that you would be interested in adding to your Guitar Hero game. The songs will come with a chart file and a sound file. Keep which ones you like in a folder somewhere on your computer.

3. Close everything, and open up Guitar Hero Explorer. Go to File >> Archive >> Add. Find your Folder of the copied Guitar Hero 2 contents that you put on your Desktop. Load the Main.hdr file. Click Yes when it prompts. If your Disc isn’t corrupt you can see all the folders. To change a song, Click on a song and click Expand. To Replace a song (replace one that you don’t enjoy playing, this will be where you can import your own new song), The only files you need are the Mid, and the VGS. Right Click the Mid >> Import.

4. Locate the charts you downloaded for desired songs from Scorehero.com. A screen will come up to make sure your chart is ok. This can take from 3-20 minutes. Next, you need to import the song that matches up with the notes. Right click the VGS >> Import. Right click on the top white box >> Add. Find the song that goes with and click Open. Change the sound channel on the bottom for left for left and right for right, etc… This process might take a while. The song will not be in synch yet. You will need to do what is called an Offset. The Offset will usually be provided for you when you downloaded the song on Scorehero.com on the custom chart information.

5. Go to the VGS file >> Import. Click on the box again, do same mp3. Now Right Click on the song you just added >> Properties. Insert the offset provided to you, or if you don’t have one do your best estimate. Re-change sound channels.

6. Finally, burn the DVD and use it in your PS2. Hope it works!
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