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  87 21940
End of days - Vinnie Paz
Sitat av Mohammedlarsen Vis innlegg
Syntes denne sangen har en bra tekst, for den forteller hva som virkelig foregår i denne verden.
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"And how they cloned Barack Hussein Obama in a test tube"


Mobb Deep - Shook ones pt 2

Biggie Smalls - Gimme the loot
Sist endret av BrainStem; 24. november 2011 kl. 01:34.
Sitat av BrainStem Vis innlegg
"And how they cloned Barack Hussein Obama in a test tube"

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Vis folk skal få lov til og tro på jesus eller wtf they want, kan jo han få lov til og tro på det ? Dette er jo bare konspirasjonsterorier mot kt, å skjønner ikke hvorfor det er så veldig viktig på freak for folk å skulle latterliggjøre andres folk tro/livssyn om man mener den er helt på jordet?!.. Lev heller livet ditt og, og være fornøyd med hvordan du har det eller må du trekke andre ned for å få det bedre ?

Greit jeg snakker imot meg selv i dette svaret men ser heller ingen andre måter for folk til og forstå det!
Diskusjonsforum hvor folk kan ytre meningene sine. Gjelder både deg, han og jeg.
Men ærlig talt da. Klonet frem?

Dr.Dre - Lil ghetto boy
Cunninlynguists ft. Tonedeff - The Gates

Låta skildrer en mann som vil inn i himmelen, men blir stoppa i døra, og samtalen som følger mellom vedkommende og vokteren.

MF Doom & MF Grimm - Voices pt. 1-2 eller I Hear Voices avhengig av hvilken utgivelse du hører på...

Det jeg liker med denne låta er at den går fra Grimm som skildrer livet i fengsel hvor han sliter mentalt, til Doom som bare rapper nonsens(dog skal det sies at han formidler nonsens på en svært leken og imponerende måte). "Anywho, how 'bout them Yankees?"
Sitat av BrainStem Vis innlegg
1.Diskusjonsforum hvor folk kan ytre meningene sine.
2.Gjelder både deg, han og jeg.
3.Men ærlig talt da. Klonet frem?
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1.Ytre meningene sine er en ting, det og henge ut en person pga. hans valg og tro er en annen ting. Greit, syntes du det han sier er helt på jordet så kom gjerne med hvorfor og, da dette blir ett dikusjonsforum som nå! Slenge med tastaturet gjør nok av folk her inne, om det er for KP eller ett sted de endelig kan være "kule" uten og ta konsekvensene som venter ute i the real world.. Det vet ikke jeg...

2.Stemmer det, men hvor langt kommer man med sånne diskusjoner ? og hva er meningen med det.. Vil du at han skal leve som deg, og ha ditt livs/verdenssyn ? Det er det som er så fint med verden, du bygger den akkurat som du vil og finner glede av det du liker så lenge det ikke påvirker noen andre for noen finner glede/nytelse i andres sorg som gjør denne verden trist.

3.Men ærlig talt da, folk tror på aliens så at noen tror kloning er mulig skal du ikke se bort ifra. Bare se på troen på disse gudene;
GANESHA – overvinner alle hindringer og er guden for nye vågestykker. Han har elefant hode og kan presse seg gjennom den tetteste jungel.
HAUMAN – er den mektige apegeneralen og representerer lojalitet, religiøs hengivelse og mot.
Sist endret av Cannabidiol; 24. november 2011 kl. 05:04.
Sitat av Cannabidiol Vis innlegg
1.Ytre meningene sine er en ting, det og henge ut en person pga. hans valg og tro er en annen ting. Greit, syntes du det han sier er helt på jordet så kom gjerne med hvorfor og, da dette blir ett dikusjonsforum som nå! Slenge med tastaturet gjør nok av folk her inne, om det er for KP eller ett sted de endelig kan være "kule" uten og ta konsekvensene som venter ute i the real world.. Det vet ikke jeg...

2.Stemmer det, men hvor langt kommer man med sånne diskusjoner ? og hva er meningen med det.. Vil du at han skal leve som deg, og ha ditt livs/verdenssyn ? Det er det som er så fint med verden, du bygger den akkurat som du vil og finner glede av det du liker så lenge det ikke påvirker noen andre for noen finner glede/nytelse i andres sorg som gjør denne verden trist.

3.Men ærlig talt da, folk tror på aliens så at noen tror kloning er mulig skal du ikke se bort ifra. Bare se på troen på disse gudene;
GANESHA – overvinner alle hindringer og er guden for nye vågestykker. Han har elefant hode og kan presse seg gjennom den tetteste jungel.
HAUMAN – er den mektige apegeneralen og representerer lojalitet, religiøs hengivelse og mot.
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Jeg prøvde vel strengt tatt ikke å henge han ut eller drite han ut. Nå må du roe litt ned.

Og ja, jeg syns det er like forbanna teit at noen trur på apegeneraler. Det hadde jeg sagt uansett om det hadde vært i internettverden eller den virkelige verden.

Prøv hvertfall å bidra i tråden. Jeg kommer nå ikke til å fortsette diskusjonen i fare for å spore tråden helt av banen. Takk for dine vise ord.

Mobb Deep - Survival of the fittest
Nas - N.Y state of mind
Method Man - What the blood cloth
Sist endret av BrainStem; 24. november 2011 kl. 06:06.
Kan dere klø dere et visst sted og snakke om musikk?

For øvrig synes jeg at Karpe Diem - Kampen Mot Klokka er noe av det bedre rent tekstmessig av Norsk rapyomusikk. Verdt å sjekke ut. Mye bra som allerede er nevnt
Sist endret av ulldott; 24. november 2011 kl. 06:05.
Sitat av ulldott Vis innlegg
Kan dere klø dere et visst sted og snakke om musikk?

For øvrig synes jeg at Karpe Diem - Kampen Mot Klokka er noe av det bedre rent tekstmessig av Norsk rapyomusikk. Verdt å sjekke ut. Mye bra som allerede er nevnt
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Jeg skriver faktisk opp sanger hvis du ikke så det

Scarface - Smile
Tungtvann - Ubudne gjesta
Klovner i kamp - Lederne av den nye skolen
Klovner i kamp - Det var saker
Klovner i kamp - Schwin på schwin
Sist endret av BrainStem; 24. november 2011 kl. 06:10.
Sitat av BrainStem Vis innlegg
Jeg prøvde vel strengt tatt ikke å henge han ut eller drite han ut. Nå må du roe litt ned.

Og ja, jeg syns det er like forbanna teit at noen trur på apegeneraler. Det hadde jeg sagt uansett om det hadde vært i internettverden eller den virkelige verden.
Vis hele sitatet...
Sier ikke at du prøvde å henge eller drite han ut. Sier det bare er så fort gjort og slenge en "artig" kommentar istede for og faktisk skrive din mening om hans mening. Ja du sier den er absurd, men man burde helst begrunne det for at folk skal ta kritikken/skryten til seg.

Sa heller aldri at du har mangel på testo. Hva du gjør i internettverden og i den virkelige verden kan jeg verken vite noe om eller svare på, men skal mer enn bare å skrive det her på ett anonymt forum for å bevise det (og nei, trenger ikke noe bevis..)

Da slutter det her!
Vinnie Paz , Paul Wall & Block McCloud - Paul and Paz
Snowgoons - Real World
Sist endret av Cannabidiol; 24. november 2011 kl. 06:13.
Rap er langt fra min favorittsjanger, men innimellom finner jeg sanger som får meg til å stoppe opp å tenke. Her er 2 av de som har satt meg mest ut.

Skrein Tax - Reach

blud you ever met sandra?
light skin ting, marga
got 4 babys by 3 fathers
she thought each one was the one
till they up and run
hit the road and scarpered
each one don't amount 2 jack
she's in her council flat
thinking 'those little bastards
so heartless
let me all alone
4 kids at home
and go darked it'
but sandra's a hustla
thinking 'i aint no busta,
i'm a get paid, get made however
them city girls i see on street aint no better
i'm a use what my mum gave me
don't pet star, i'm a get dark
so she'd get cark and push her legs part
let the mans bore tru 4 true no lesser
she figured she was allways getting banged by mans
so she might aswell get a little money in her hands
she couldn't get a job had no time
but she put it in her gob the whole time!
the sket of the manner
you can here the babys crying when you bang her
belly of the beast - no glamour, don't clamour
just make sure you strap up with a rubber when you bang her
I heard sandra's youngest turned two now
her oldest turned sixteen and moved out
mum's bucking shines in her youts house
and you wonder why the yout don't wanna see you now?
but sandra's still down on her knees
she can make a man cum wid the greatest of ease
but what about her k-i-d?
thats life in the belly of the beast

ok so i met this brae called dave
dave hung around the weatherspoons all day
playing fruit machines
seeing who he'd see
all the old drunks and chavs was his mates
he spent half the time rolling up notes
putting all that white powder in his nose
and before he could see he was out of control
he was out in the cold when he ran out of the coke
then one day he woke up bleeding
out his nostrils but he was still fiending, for a next hit,
so he reached in his bag for his stash he had left from the last evening
thats when the drugs don't work
all there doing now is just making it work
at 11am he was sniffing up dust
on some hype-hype flex instead of going to work
but thats life in the belly of the beast
where many souls perish in defeat
6 feet deep
go sleep and don't wake up
with shit stained pants and no make up
16 years young her name was josephine
eyes wide shut, skin like aubergine
found by her marge, too late to resuscitate
on christmas eve man she could of chose another day
poor josie
too young to die but old enough to O-D
theres no peace
when theres no G-O-D
die lonely, slowely
now josies gonna get blessed by the priest
when there burying her body underneath
J-O-S-I-E : thats written on the wreath
live from the belly of the beast


Shift - De Sa

Mamma sa :
"Ting går ikkje alltid din vei, lille venn"
mørke veier men eg lover deg eg finner frem
mørkt er som et soverom, en lampe skinner den
en daglig tåre på mitt kinn, se nå triller den

skildrer den, personen eg befinner meg i
får meg sjøl i et rom for der finner eg tid
lagt i jern på mitt soverom, sorry mamma,
sorry drama, alle drømmer lå i grava

tok en spade, gravde for harde livet,
hadde planer om å drømme meg vekk fra di der andre,
di svever som en sky, jeg bare nyter bilder
jeg svever på en sky ved hjelp av rusmidler

du vet eg elsker pappa, og eg elsker deg mamma,
men hvorfor elsker ikke dere hverandre ?
eg flyttet hjemmefra, her er min hatt,
eg visste neppe at veien var svart,
min livsretning er neppe så bratt'

DE SA at du hadde ingenting å utrette
DE SA at du hadde alltid noe å utsette
DE SA at du ville aldri kunne bli noe
DE SA at du kunne holde kjeft å ikkje si noe


Pappa sa: "Aldri kom opp med en unnskyldning
en vinner har en plan, en taper har en unnskyldning"
unnskyld, men jeg føler at jeg taper pappa
selv om jeg har en plan føler eg at eg faller snart

ka skjer, eg må prate med deg
ser på meg som en depresiv jævel, ka e gale me meg ? ?
e eg den eneste på jorden her som har en sånn dag ?
eg åpner øynene mot himmelen å venter på svar,

eg søker ly under venners tak når det blåser ute
håper, en liten femmer glemmer tanker om at alt håp er ute
eg lukker øyelokkene for eg kan se det no,
kanskje gravplasen hadde vert et bedre sted å bo?

eg ser meg sjøl i speilet, der ser jeg deg pappa
du ser på meg å gråter, si ka som skjer pappa
eg tørker tårene, du gjør det samtidig
samtidig vankar vi vekk fra speilet. Kan det bli bra no ?

DE SA at du hadde ingenting å utrette
DE SA at du hadde alltid noe å utsette
DE SA at du ville aldri kunne bli noe
DE SA at du kunne holde kjeft å ikkje si noe


Damen sa: "alltid vil eg være din", men hun dumpet meg
så koffor skal jeg tro på alle disse ordene som drukner meg
livsgleden er en gnist, tro på meg
prøver å flyte på bølgen for ellers slukner eg

eg skjønner no kontraster mellom barn å voksen
eg skjønner no kordan folk kan savne barndommen
har kommet videre, sier til alle de som hjalp meg
hver å en; takk å pris, glad for at eg har deg

tal til meg å eg vil glemme
vis meg å eg vil huske
innvolver meg å eg vil lære
eg har glemt de di sa men huskar de di gjorde,
eg var midtpunkt i saken men gikk ut med hevet hode
eg har SETT eg har LÆRT
eg har kjempet gjennom dette her en i gråtoneskala i likhet med dette bergensværet
men solen titter frem en gang
min tankegang vankar
sånn en gang i blandt men jeg snakker sant

"Han tenkte alt ville bli bra. På en ny dag, trengte en nystart.
Få tenkte over alt det si sa, si kan du vil for han gir faen."
"Han tenkte alt ville bli bra. På en ny dag, trengte en nystart.
Få tenkte over alt det si sa, si kan du vil for han gir faen."

Kanskje ikke verdens mest populære låter, men de begge traff meg midt i hjertet.
Fuck Up - feat. Askim Soul Children - Sirius

Sunk so deep you won't believe,
I can't preside what is over me,
I know what you think when you say my name,
Talk about me like "Oh he changed,"
Another dope is up his nose,
And I don't know if I can trust him,
And the smell of alcohol is too much for me to go hug him,
And it's hard to take, hard to watch, hard to look away.
But it's worst to be in the middle of this shit,
Try to make up why to stay.
So I underestimate people, lie to myself,
But I'm easy to see trough,
Used to be so proud but take a look at these eyes,
Take a look at me now.

Everybody got a problem with me,
But then again no one tells life's easy,
Now I gotta watch where I put my feet,
Some don't even want to look at me.
Every now and then I think back,
If I took another choice where will I be at?
Momma said I'm proud of you, and my dad want to help me, guide me through,
And I do want to change, but I keep coming back to the same old same,
Snort a line, while I write a rime about quitting shit for a better life.
What the fuck is that, where's the discipline?
This thing to bring out the bitch in me,
And did I make this song for the sympathy?
I don't now what it is but I'm sick of it.

Look into my nephew's eyes, I see myself back when
I didn't care about nothing, I'll rather be alone for now,
Figure out, how to bring myself back down, on the ground.

Cause now I am flying higher than I ever could imagine,
And I was supposed to be scared of heights, like what happened?
I guess we changed, some for the better, some for the worse.
I'm stuck somewhere between and it hurts.
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/s/s...fucked_up.html ]
It's dark tonight, I miss the sunlight,
I miss saying things like "thanks I'm alright."
When you ask me, how I'm feeling, well I'm happy, when I'm dreaming.
It's a whole other world in my head, when I close my eyes in my bed.
Cause I make up places and people, replace myself if I need to.
Three little birds on my doorstep,
I see what it means when I go there.
So peaceful, so quiet, alone, but self reliant,
I came to the point when I put the mic down and said I'm done.
And with a life like this you might just feel like
Putting steel on your tongue.

Cause I swear to God, I've seen suicides, I knew people who took the wrong,
So rest in peace to the people I knew, cause I know you can hear my song.
And I will be strong for me and you, do what they tell me that I can't do,
In all your names, I'm-ma fight, so I walk on the stage for you tonight.
So when the light hits me I'm-ma shine for you,
Bottom line I'm-ma lie for you, they gotta kill me to make us meet again,
Cause I'm never giving up, I ain't leaving yes.
It's not for me no more, it's for all of us,
I see you when I see you, I love you all.

Look into my nephew's eyes, I see myself back when
I didn't care about nothing, I'll rather be alone for now,
Figure out, how to bring myself back down, on the ground.

Cause now I am flying higher than I ever could imagine,
And I was supposed to be scared of heights, like what happened?
I guess we changed, some for the better, some for the worse.
I'm stuck somewhere between and it hurts.

Cause now I am flying higher than I ever could imagine,
And I was supposed to be scared of heights, like what happened?
I guess we changed, some for the better, some for the worse.
I'm stuck somewhere between and it hurts.

More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/s/sirius/#share
Som nevnt tidligere i tråden så er så og si alt av Atmosphere bra. Men vil trekke fram The Waitress som er min favoritt sang av han.

Atmosphere - The Waitress

A city full of people and my favorite is that waitress
And she treats me like some type of common vagrant
I see her everyday, but there's nothing to say
Unless I decide to step inside of that cafe
I only get to sit if I buy something to eat
Otherwise it's best to keep my feet moving down that street
And god damn she's a hard bitch
Talks at me like I'm the bad dog that got into the garbage
Yeah I know that the toilet is for customers
You ain't got to tangle up the strings to make this puppet work
It doesn't have to be a game of patty cake
But it ain't like you don't know I sleep in that alleyway
And by the way, I can see it in your eyes
You're angry with your life, not a stranger to the fight
I bet you hate every man that you date
And you're probably addicted to all types of escape
You take it out on me that you're all alone
When you know you got your own closet full of hollow bones
Watch the tone when you speak to old folks
I'm grown, just trying to get out of this Minnesota cold

Look lady, I'm homeless, I'm crazy
I'm so hopeless I'm suicidal daily
If you and I can't coexist, let's fake it
'Cause I ain't got the energy it takes for this relationship

I'm waiting for a city bus to flatten me
And transport me to the ever after happily
Maybe reincarnated with luck
Come back to Earth as a cockroach in your tip cup
She said she's had it up to here
She's gonna call authorities if I don't disappear
I love her threats, it rejuvenates my breath
I give her stress for the reaction that it gets
I got a pocket full of clean, handled money
On a cup of bad coffee and a stale honey bun
In front of everyone she calls me bum
But she notices my absence on them afternoons I don't come
So here I am, thorn in her hip
Holding down the corner table all morning with some corn chips
Ignoring the insults and evil eyes
I feed off of 'em, I wonder when she'll realize
That she's the only reason I visit
The only woman in my world that acknowledges my existence
And if my ship ever comes, I'll miss it
Because I'm getting old and I ain't got much left to give it
So there it is and I have to live with it
I had the chance to make a difference, but I didn't
In the cafe bathroom drinking free tap water
Thinking, damn, I should have been a better father to my daughter

Sykt mye bra her!
alt av vågsbygd handy! nuff said
Vinnie Paz er en av de jeg syntes har noen av de beste tekstene sammens med mange andre. Noen konspirasjons-teorier syntes jeg er dratt litt vel ut, men dem er det fåtall av! Håper det er flere VP fans her, for navnet hans er på alle sidene tror jeg



You have seen, you cannot deny it any longer.

[Verse 1: Vinnie Paz]

Walt Disney was fucking Nazi, Illuminati killed Mike Jackson
Barack Obama aware of all their precise action
Look at the dollar bill, they want the fucking light blackened
Y’all too stupid and blind to see what might happen
The symbolism from beginning of recorded times
And Hinduism and the spinning of distorted minds
You believe it when the television report the crime
Well I believe that that’s irrelevant and falsified
Where was Jesus in the Bible for seventeen years?
He was in Tibet and India and they were his peers
He also lived in the Himalayas and Kashmir
He survived the crucifixion and lived for mad years
They like the idea of war between Arab and Jew
They like the idea of slaughter and massacre too
Knowledge is infinite, it’s something you have to pursue
I pray to God on the Shabbat for a pacifist coup


To most people who would consider themselves intelligent beings they say well that’s absurd. What’s all this doomsday stuff?

[Verse 2: Ill Bill]

Born in Sudan, raised in America
Aged seven in a new land, raised by the Seraphim
Learned Islam in Mizraim amongst the pyramids dragged by em
From the Nile River later reminisced and drank wine
Return to childhood and crime
Did an upstate bid for three years, out on parole now the world is mine
Created his own movement in ‘69
Nubian Hebrew Mission had arrived, he’s alive
Changed his name to Isa Abdullah
Many times after that legally changed his name several times
Level nine, Jackie and The Starlights, made music with passion
Rolls-Royce elegant fashion ready for action
Descendant of aliens from another planet
They said Christ was underhanded
Like King Solomon with many wives
Under marriage many seeds, many heirs to the throne
Ready to die and forever it’s told
Similar to this eleven year old
After being gang-raped at eight memorized the testament scrolls
Front to back he recited the Bible, word for holy word
Passion of the Christ on arrival
The Branch Davidians took him in then he took em over
Claiming the name of David from the book of Jehova
You’d have thought that he’s from Brooklyn how he had it all sewn up
Till the ATF had him blown up out in Waco

[Outro: David Koresh]

So you know you guys, do it your way, I do it my way. You gonna argue with me, you catch me on the side of the road somewhere, you come and argue with me. You come pointing guns in the direction of my wife, my kids, damn it I’ll meet you at the door any time. And I’m sorry some of you guys got shot but uh hey, God will have to sort that out, won’t he?
En låt fra en av verdens beste rappere, og fra et av verdens beste album noensinne lagd; Notorious B.I.G - Ready To Die.
Denne går jeg aldri lei av, i likhet med resten av sangene på albumet, men denne er nok det mest brutale. Rart jeg ikke er lam fra nakken og ned med måten hodet mitt bumper til denne:


As I grab the glock, put it to your headpiece
One in the chamber, the safety is off release
Straight at your dome homes, I wanna see cabbage
Biggie Smalls the savage, doin your brain cells much damage
Teflon is the material for the imperial
mic ripper girl stripper the Henny sipper
I drop lyrics off and on like a lightswitch
Quick to grab the right bitch and make her drive
the Q-45, glocks and tecs are expected when I wreck shit
Respect is collected, so check it
I got techniques drippin out my buttcheeks
Sleep on my stomach so I don't fuck up my sheets, huh
My shit is deep, deeper than my grave G
I'm ready to die and nobody can save me
Fuck the world, fuck my moms and my girl
My life is played out like a jheri curl, I'm ready to die

As I sit back and look when I used to be a crook
Doin whatever it took from snatchin chains to pocketbooks
A big BAD motherfucker on the wrong road
I got some drugs tried to get the avenue sold
I want it all from the Rolexes
to the Lexus gettin paid, is all I expected
My mother didn't give me what I want, what the fuck?
Now I got a glock, makin motherfuckers duck
Shit is real, and hungry's how I feel
I rob and steal because that money got that whip appeal
Kickin niggaz down the steps just for rep
Any repercussion lead to niggaz gettin wet
The infrared's at your head real steady
You better grab your guns cause I'm ready, ready

I'm ready to die!
(Nah we ain't gon' kill your ass yet)
(We gonna make you suffer)

In a sec I throw the tec to your fuckin neck
Everybody hit the deck, Biggie bout to get some wreck
Quick to leave you in a coffin, for slick talkin
You better act like CeCe, and keep on walkin
When I hit ya, I split ya to the white meat
You swung on like you slumber right you fell to the conrete
Your face, my feet, they meet, we're stompin
I'm rippin MC's from Tallahassee, to Compton
Biggie Smalls on a higher plane
Niggaz say I'm strange deranged because I put the 12 gauge to your brain
Make your shit splatter
Mix the blood like batter then my pocket gets fatter
after the hit, leave you on the street with your neck split
down your backbone to where your motherfuckin cheek drip
The shit I kick, rip it through the vest
Biggie Smalls passin any test, I'm ready to die!
Sist endret av eyecandy654; 24. november 2011 kl. 22:01.
Been Fighting Devilz av Snowgoons

[Chorus: x2]
For my people in ghettos,
The dust don't settle
For my peeps in the streets, the beef don't cease
For my friends in the pen, your life don't end
Cause the beast inside ain't ready to die

[Verse 1:]
Doing dirt in the grinds now
I'm working for mine
Certain to shine, the streets had a perfect desire
And I believe it's what it made me to be
Revolutionary slave to my hated beliefs
I was raised in the street, got hate for police
Born in the ghetto, crack stay peddled on concrete
Where the bullshit's abbreviated, move and you lose
And your crew gets eliminated, it's complicated
To the death and [? ]
Keep your eyes open for the devils and demons
? when I speak, bringing Heaven through your speakers
Travel through your tweeters to the ghetto I might teach you
Credible believer until it's settled I might see you
Better make em flee ah, better make em bleed what
Begging for a piece of pie in the grind
I keep [? ] factory line
This is for my people living in hard times

[Chorus x2]

[Verse 2:]
Street dreams, in
The slum where the beast feeds
Where the struggle resides where hustlers and fiends meet
Just trying to get by, burning on green leafs
I gotta get mine, no one else gonna feed me
Survival etched in the genes of my species
Stand on my own two, no one said it'd be easy
Just keep it moving, feet where the streets be
Better be easy, put your teeth to the streets, b
Cannibal tooth die for the loot
Wild animal escaped from the zoo
They call me elephant boots out on the loose
No surrender or truce
Torture what the New World Order lies in the news
Propaganda catching minds in a snooze
Take a walk in my shoes, it's hard to dudes
Too many sips of the brew, sick spit off the booze
So hold up man, watch how you move

[Chorus x2]

[Verse 3:]
I done see it all, a
Legend in my own right
You fight for the right of respect when you step in my light
Always stay ducking the devils to the death to the birth
We destined to burst from underground soul in the dirt
Straight to the top we headed leaving devils beheaded
On the world that's filled with controversy, thoughts are embedded
Of violent action, racism, you see it on the news
And listen brainwashing the masses through subliminal television
It's sick, that's why I say the government can eat a dick
They don't help me the slightest bit when I need it
So fuck em, I live my own life, I blaze my own trail
Do a little dirt, get locked up, I pay my own bail
Circle of trust, knowledge born crime and lust
Survivals of the struggle, march through Hell puffing blunts
Dodging pitchforks, at war on the darkest levels
Cause me and my family here, we've been fighting devils

[Chorus x2]
Sitat av MiniMee Vis innlegg
Snublet over denne sangen for en stund siden. Og har vel hørt den godt over 100 ganger siden da. Og dette er etter min mening en av de beste tekstene jeg har hørt i en sang. Teksten går da ut på at han har en nær død opplevelse å møter da gud. Som han da "krangler" med om han fortjener å slippe inn i himmelen. Er selv ikke kristen på noen måte. Men teksten er etter min mening så sinnsykt bra skrevet og har en unik oppbygningen. Hva synes dere?

Joe Budden - Pray for me

Vill gjerne ha deres mening om hvilken Rap/hip hop tekst som er best!
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Takk for at du linka den!! Hadde ikke hørt den før. Min nye yndlings sang!!
Sitat av Door145 Vis innlegg
Den første jeg kommer på når noen stiller sånne spørsmål er Last Emperor & Too Poetic - One Life. Den er på min topp, uten tvil
Don Trip - Letter To My Son og dance with the devil av immortal technique er også veldig bra

Joe budden - pray for me har jeg hørt mye før, men aldri lagt ordentlig merke til teksten, takk
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Last emperor & too poetic - one life er spessielt syk, siden too poetic døde av kreften han rapper om kort tid etter han spilte inn sangen
Immortal Technique - Dance With The Devil, Point Of No Return og Freedom Of Speech
Vinnie Paz - End Of Days
Tyler, The Creator er kanskje den sjukeste (mentalt) rapperen jeg noen gang har hørt. Ikke bare skriver han om det han selv referer til som "dark shit", men han får det til å rime utrolig bra også.

Favoritter er vel fra Yonkers (fuck her, wolf haley robbin’ ‘em
i’ll crash that fuckin’ airplane at that faggot n-gga b.o.b is in
and stab bruno mars in his goddamn esophagus
and won’t stop until the cops come in) og French (I'm fucking Goldilocks up in the forest
In the three bear house eating their muthafuckin' porridge
I tell her it's my house, give her a tour
In my basement, and keep that bitch locked up in the storage).

Som sagt, "dark shit"
Kanskje ikke en av de beste..Men i hvert fall en av de bedre med litt mening i, som jeg kommer på i farta =)


He rolled up, asked him what he was sipping on
He said lean, You want to hit it, dawg?
That's the same stuff
Weezy's sipping huh?
And tons of other rappers that be spitting hard
Yup yup five a bone
When he passed him that styrofoam
The easter pink
Heard it in a rhyme before
Finally got to see what all the hype was on
And then he took a sip, sitting in the Lincoln
Thinking he was pimping as he listened to the system
Little did he know that it was just as addictive as base
Not the kind of hit from the kick drum
Hot box, let the base bump
Take it to the face, gulp
Months later the use went up
Every blunt was accompanied by the pink stuff
But Goddamn he loved that feeling
Purple rain coated in the throat
Just so healing
Medicine alleviate the sickness
Liquid affix and it comes with a cost
Wake up, cold sweat, scratching, itching
Trying to escape the skin that barely fit him
Gone, get another bottle just to get a couple swallows
Headed towards the bottom couldn't get off it
Didn't even think he had a problem
Though he couldn't sleep without getting nauseous
Room spinning
Thinking he might of sipped just a little bit too much of that cough syrup
His eyelids closed shut
Sat back in the chair clutching that cup
Girlfriend came and a couple hours later
Said his name shook him but he never got up

He never got up, he never got up
We live on the cusp of death thinking that it won't be us
It won't be us, it won't be us, it won't be us
Nah, it won't be us

Now he just wanted to act like them
He just wanted to rap like him
Us as rappers underestimate the power and the effects that we have on these kids
Blunt passed, ash in a tin, pack being pushed, harassed by the feds
The fact of it is most people that rap like this talking about some shit they haven't lived
Surprise, you know the drill
Trapped in a box, declined record sales
Follow the formula: violence, drugs, and, sex sells
So we try to sound like someone else
This is not Californication
There's no way to glorify this pavement
Syrup, percocet, and an eighth a day will leave you broke, depressed, and emotionally vacant
Despite how Lil Wayne lives
It's not conducive to being creative
And I know cause he's my favorite
And I know cause I was off that same mix
Rationalize the shit that I'd try after I listen to dedication
But he's an alien, I'd sip that shit, pass out or play Playstation
Months later I'm in the same place
No music made, feeling like a failure
And trust me it's not dope to be 25 and move back to your parent's basement
I've seen my people's dreams die
I've seen what they can be denied
And "weeds not a drug" - that's denial
Groundhog Day life repeat each time
I've seen oxycontin take three lives
I grew up with them, we used to chief dimes
I've seen cocaine bring out the demons inside
Cheating and lying
Friendship cease, no peace in the mind
Stealing and taking anything to fix the pieces inside
Broken, hopeless, headed nowhere
Only motivation for what the dealer's supplying
That rush, that drug, that dope
Those pills, that crumb, that roach
Thinking I would never do that, not that drug
And growing up nobody ever does
Until your stuck, looking in the mirror like I can't believe what I've become
Swore I was goin' to be someone
And growing up everyone always does
We sell our dreams and our potential
To escape through that buzz
Just keep me up, keep me up
Hollywood here we come

Hvis det kommer til Metaforer, ordspill & til tider syke tounge twisters så kommer nokk Crooked I & Joell Ortiz ganske høyt over de som generelt leverer gode tekster..Omtrent alt de kommer med via Slaughterhouse er lyrisk bedre enn 99 % av den jalla club rappen som er pop for tida :/

"I ain't lyin' sir...
And you ain't gotta see Tim Duncan jump to see a flyin' spur
Bentley boy, no it's not H to the Izzo
But I push Buddens like Jay shudda did Joe
People choice, the voice of my time with Royce Da 5'9"

Crooked I, Onslaught

Og hvordan kan man glemme Big Pun!

"Dead in the middle of little Italy, little did we know that we riddled two middle men who didn't do diddily"

Big Pun - Twinz
Andre 300 i sangen Drake - "The Real Her"

Shower her with dollar tips
Shawty went and bought a whip
Guarantee the city remember your whole name
You throw the ho a scholarship
All of them ain't all equipped
And this saddens me, I see the pecking order
Quote-unquote "bad bitches" work the whole floor
Those that get laughed at sit off in the corner
Like a lab rat nobody want her
Niggas that are married don't wanna go home
We look up to them, they wish they were us
They want some new trim
We lust for some trust
Now the both of us are colorblind
Cause the other side looks greener
Which leaves your turf in the Boise state
Can't see her play or the team, cuz
Everybody has an addiction; mine happens to be you
And those who say they don't
Souls will later on say to them "that ain't true"
All of them will have an opinion
But y'all know what you can do with them
But if you unsure, I'll take you on tour
To a place I can stick that in
Well, sitting here sad as hell
Listening to Adele, I feel you baby
Someone like you, more like someone unlike you
Or someone that's familiar maybe
And I can tell that she wants a baby
And I can yell "Girl, that shit crazy!"
Oh what the hell? Nope, can't be lazy
Please be careful: bitches got the rabies
Sist endret av Lil J; 6. desember 2011 kl. 23:08.
Vil definitivt si Gangstarr med sangen Moments of truth
Gangstarr - Moments of truth lyric

Ellers er Immortal technique en Killer også
- Blant annet med sangen Internally bleeding...

I know a lot of people that are scared they gon' die,
Couple of 'em thinkin' they'll be livin' in the sky
While I'm here livin' man I gotta ask why,
What am I here for I gotta figure out,
Waste my life, no I gotta make it count,
If Christ is real then what am I gon do about,
Everything in Luke 12:15 down to 21 ya really gotta go and check it out,
Paul said if Christ aint resurrected we wasted our lives,
Well that implies that our lives built around Jesus being alive,
Everyday I'm livin tryna to show the world why,
Christ is more than anything you'll ever try,
Better than pretty women and sinning and living to get a minute of any woman and men that you admire
It aint no lie!
We created for Him,
Outta of the dust he made us for Him,
Elects us and he saves us for Him,
Jesus comes and he raises for Him,
Magnify the Father, why bother with something lesser?
He made us so we could bless Him, (Bless Him)
To the world we confess Him,
Resurrects Him,
So I know I got life,
Matter fact better man I know I got Christ,
If you don't see His ways in my days and my nights,
You can hit my breaks you can stop my lights,
Man I lost my rights, lost my life,
Forget the money, cars and toss that ice,
The cost is Christ,
And they can never offer me anything on the planet that'll cost that price


Verse 2 (Dwayne Tryumf)
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsty.com/lecrae-dont-...fe-lyrics.html ]
Armed and dangerous
So the devil just can't hang with us
Christian youth they must stand wid us
Livin' n driven, given a vision, fullfillin the commission he handed us
London to Los Angeles
The rap evangelist
My daddy wouldn't abandon us
"I gotta back pack fulla tracts and I gotta Johnny Mac"
So are you ready to jam with us, so lets go
Gimme the word and lets go
Persecution lets go
Tribulation lets go
Across the nation let's go
Procrastination let's go
Hung on the cross in the cold
Died for da young and the old
Can't say you never know
Heaven knows
How many souls are going to hell or to heaven so we gotta go in and get em

Verse 3 (Lecrae)

Suffer, yeah, do it for Christ,
You're tryna to figure out what to do with ya life,
You make a lot of money hope your doin' it right,
Because the money is God's, you better steward it right,
Stay focused, you ain't got no ride,
Your life ain't wrapped up in what you drive,
The clothes you wear, the job you work,
The color your skin, nah you're Christian first,
People think they livin for a job,
Make a little money start living for a car,
Get em a wife, a house, kids and a dog,
Then they retire, they living high on the hog,
But guess what? They didn't ever really live at all,
To live is Christ, and that's Paul I recall,
To die is gain and for Christ we give it all,
He's the treasure you'll never find in a mall,
See your money, your singleness, marriage, talents, your time,
They were loanin you to show the world that Christ is divine,
That's why it's Christ in my rhymes,
That's why it's Christ all the time,
See my whole world is built around Him,
He's the life in my lines,
I refused to waste my life,
He's too true to chase that ice,
Here's my gift and time,
'Cause I'm constantly tryna to be used to praise the Christ,
If He's truly raised to life,
Then this news should change your life,
And by His grace you can put your faith in the place that rules your days and nights
Må poste en til av Eyedea, karen var fantastisk.

The Dive (Part 2) - Eyedea & Abilities


Take a deep breath
There's nothing to be afraid of
What you just did was fall to the depths of existence
The place your mind keeps you away from by it's own process of building models for understanding
This is NOT insanity
This is, in fact, the ultimate reality
The union you've achieved is only possible with thoughts no more
You never fall if you never fight

You found yourself fall into madness
The best thing you ever did was let go

I found myself fall into madness
The best thing I ever did was let go

See, life is a play that we're always acting out
Without ever seeing it from the writer's or audience's point of view
When we reach infinity, we become the writers and the actors and the audience at the exact same time

So here you are
And now you understand
You always were here
That's why you always ran
But you can only run away for so long
Before you catch up with yourself and become part of the song
I'd like to welcome you to the heaven you've created
I tell the truth this is the wisdom of the ancients
Holding on to something contradicts our being, so fly free
Maybe I had to go crazy to get where I am
I felt myself slipping away and I let myself fall
Gotta lose your mind before you find it
And when you finally find it you find out you never lost it at all
There's a natural flow
That's attached to your soul
It don't ask you to go
It just gradually pulls
It's always now and you're never not you
So follow yourself
'cause if nothing else, your existence is true

Have you ever felt yourself slipping away?
I am, I mean, I was slipping away
But no matter what I am I'm me
And I know me so I'm ok

Have you ever felt yourself slipping away?
You are, I mean, you were slipping away
But no matter what you are you're you
And you know you so you're ok

I'm not a poet or a communist, a comet, or a star
You're not a genius or a prophet you just are
I'm not insane 'cause I have no need for my sanity
It's just another chain that keeps me from reality
Reality is mine; to play with and mold
The best thing I ever did was let go
So let go of the models
Transcend the physical mind
And peacefully become part of the whole
The walls came tumbling down
But this time it was for keeps
I've been running around
Looking for my feet
Now they're part of the ground
And make the ground complete
Live in the now and forever be at peace
Live in the now, don't stray away from the cycle
I'm one with the universe
One with the life flow
When you know that that which is below is above
The fear you once had will become love (feel the love)

Have you ever felt yourself slipping away?
I am, I mean, I was slipping away
But no matter what I am I'm me
And I know me so I'm ok

Have you ever felt yourself slipping away?
You are, I mean, you were slipping away
But no matter what you are you're you
And you know you so you're ok

It starts out with a question:
How much of it is real?
Now all is irrelevant outside of this ordeal
Don't worry about explainin' it
There ain't no human language
That can actually describe exactly how you feel
Now I see clear through external distractions
Piece by piece it comes together
So I laugh and I smile
In the beginning it was deranged
But I guess all things come to pass, after awhile
If madness could have a picture face how would it look?
Like step one to becoming the contents of your own book
Right where you are right now is where you're gonna stay
And as long as you're always moving with yourself
You'll never slip away...
Common market - Every last one of us

I've been deceived by the likes of thieves who breathe bluffs, tell me: who can I trust?
Every Last One of Us!
Calumny surrounds me on all sides – who wanna see injustice crushed?
Every Last One of Us!
If I get sent up for sayin' too much – who's gonna break me off the back of the bus?
Every Last One of Us!
My stamina's diminished – if I can't finish – who's comin' through in the clutch?
Every Last One of Us!

Worn from the struggle – startin' to show fatigue, son
Blast on the horn of Gabriel to tell the legion
I'mma hold the line until the time that my relief comes
Divine infantry supply the energy to feed from
Empowered, endowed with the ability to reason
Allowed the opportunity to choose or disbelieve some
Seek to find the truth and you possess the key to freedom
Then understand it's your responsibility to teach one
Exponentially increase the delegates
We politic with activists not asses and elephants
Rectify and edify a new central intelligence
Based upon dissemination of knowledge and evidence
Imagine the impact and prevalence
Of regiments designed to change questions to definites
The resonance is risin' up in every residence, yo
My brethren will be the testatment

When the clock strikes twelve and the heads rebel – who's gonna usher the rush?
Every Last One of Us!
When the state of things change and the truth is explained, who's gon' be ready to adjust, huh?
Every Last One of Us!
When the streets are overtaken by fleets of green jeeps – who's facin' the influx?
Every Last One of Us!
And when the last shot's fired at the empire – who shall emerge from the dust?
Every Last One of Us!

The vision of our mission intimidates theocracy
Apostles of Revelations whose station is a mockery
Self-proclaimed authoritative vein of the prophecy
They strain when they struggle to explain the anomaly
It's our intent to re-implement modesty
Demandin' self-respect be the market's hottest commodity
Regulate the wealth and decimate extreme poverty
And educate the kids with every dollar from the lottery

We 'bout to change the mentality
Of old world savagery into a new reality
One where teachers and lawyers will trade salaries
And liquor stores are razed to make way for art galleries
With one common thread we weave a global tapestry
Peace will be your motto when you follow the analogy
Down from the mountains to echo throughout the valley
It's the shouts of the soldiers in my cavalry

When the system finally falls – who people gon' call on to show conduct?
Every Last One of Us!
When the new sun rises and we've all survived – who knows it's not just luck?
Every Last One of Us!
It's a kingdom that we gotta construct – who's ready to build from the ground up?
Every Last One of Us!
Who's ready to commit? This is it, y'all – people unite and say what?
Every Last One of Us!
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MiniMee's Avatar
Må bare legg inn denne klassikeren, ODB- Brooklyn zoo
Tupac - So many tears

Ikke nok med at teksten er god, men du kan faktisk føle depresjonen. Alt er bra med den sangen.

Edit: Må også legge til at det meste av Tyler the Creator er bra. Folk misforstår tekstene hans, de skal ikke tolkes rett fram. Han har flere personligheter.
Tyler: Han selv (Duh)
Wolf Haley: Den mørke siden av seg (Ekstra mørk stemme)
Dr.Tc: Psykiateren inni seg han ofte har samtaler med (Tc = Tyler, Creator)

Hvis man klarer å sette ting i et annet perspektiv ser man at tekstene hans faktisk er dype som faen
Sist endret av Crème Fraiche; 19. januar 2012 kl. 10:42.

Ganske kul tekst, og ikke minst videoen er epic.
lil wayne-lollipop! neida!!! in between us feat nas av scarface er en slager i mine ører. for mange fete sanger der ute!

G-CODE!!! av scarface
Jeg må legge til denne teksten. Hvis folk ikke har forstått geniet "Eyedea" var, bør dette eliminere enhver tvil.


When I was young I was a single celled amoeba
Then I learned how to go to war over ideas
Now I’m into stripping mother earth of her resources
Waiting for the day that today is considered prehistoric

Standing on my last limb
Survived by a naked rush
This story was written in my genetic code x3

Standing on my last limb
Survived by a naked rush
This story was written

I don’t wanna but if I have to I’ll make a big mistake
There’s no judge or jury when you’re looking adrenaline in the face
Years of refinement to make this machine and
I’m gonna use it to the best of my ability
My body as my armor will protect my brain from bruising
Even though as it secretes its poisonous power I almost lose it
Vomit inducing, diluted in the blood
Cause if I ever got a full blast
The rush would be too much

You can hear the break in his "grown up" voice
You can feel the quiver when you shake his hand
You can give or take, it’s no one else’s choice
One day you’ll have to quit running and take a stand
And all the flags at half-mast
Part heavy heart, part pain in the ass
I was trained not to think just react
Sometimes when a person goes that far
They’re never coming back
Maybe we’ll evolve to a point where
Fear as an experience is no longer instinctual
But rather an emotion we use to enrich our understanding of
Why our human ancestors killed each other when they could have loved each other
One day we’ll be holding hands instead of grudges
We’ll eliminate our territorial circuits and know what love is
One day we’ll be holding hands instead of M-16s
'Til then every human being is controlled by the fight
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Just the other day, my nigga Chris killed his self
I pray to God, that I never feel the way he felt
Where do we go when there's no help?
He figured Heaven, so he went left
Ya'll know that ain't right
Plus, he was high as a plane that same night
Shit, I probably been on that same flight
Shit, I probably had that same fight
I just kept swingin
Twelve rounds comin, bells ringin

Introduced to the game, when I was just a child
Mama love a drug dealer, straight quit her job
And took his life, and along with him, I died
And she died, we died
Then came my daughter, to my bed side
Told me daddy, don't cry, I'm alive
I look her in the eyes, and see me with no sins
But this is how the note ends
Sitat av Mohammedlarsen Vis innlegg
Syntes denne sangen har en bra tekst, for den forteller hva som virkelig foregår i denne verden.
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Må vell ærlig innrømme at det ikke er det som foregår i verden. Er ikke bra å tro på sånt. Ming mening tho ( viker mot personlighetssforstyrelse) sangen er elsk btw.