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Alle som vil donerer 10,- så vi kan kjøpe en fin premie til kjære cem.

Vi skaffer en fin stor pokal og inngraverer den med:
''Congratulations for beeing the biggest retard on the internet! You are number 1!''

gjerne med


* bitchchecker (~java@euirc-a97f9137.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Ping timeout#) 
 * bitchchecker (~java@euirc-61a2169c.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #stopHipHop 
 <bitchchecker> why do you kick me 
 <bitchchecker> can't you discus normally 
 <bitchchecker> answer! 
 <Elch> we didn't kick you 
 <Elch> you had a ping timeout: * bitchchecker (~java@euirc-a97f9137.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Ping timeout#) 
 <bitchchecker> what ping man 
 <bitchchecker> the timing of my pc is right 
 <bitchchecker> i even have dst 
 <bitchchecker> you banned me 
 <bitchchecker> amit it you son of a bitch 
 <HopperHunter|afk> LOL 
 <HopperHunter|afk> shit you're stupid, DST^^ 
 <bitchchecker> shut your mouth WE HAVE DST! 
 <bitchchecker> for two weaks already 
 <bitchchecker> when you start your pc there is a message from windows that DST is applied. 
 <Elch> You're a real computer expert 
 <bitchchecker> shut up i hack you 
 <Elch> ok, i'm quiet, hope you don't show us how good a hacker you are ^^ 
 <bitchchecker> tell me your network number man then you're dead 
 <Elch> Eh, it's 
 <Elch> or maybe 
 <Elch> yes exactly that's it: I'm waiting for you great attack 
 <bitchchecker> in five minutes your hard drive is deleted 
 <Elch> Now I'm frightened 
 <bitchchecker> shut up you'll be gone 
 <bitchchecker> i have a program where i enter your ip and you're dead 
 <bitchchecker> say goodbye 
 <Elch> to whom? 
 <bitchchecker> to you man 
 <bitchchecker> buy buy 
 <Elch> I'm shivering thinking about such great Hack0rs like you 
 * bitchchecker (~java@euirc-61a2169c.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Ping timeout#) 

 What happened is clear: That guy entered his own IP-Adress in his mighty Hack-Tool and crashed his own PC. This way, the attack on my PC was a failure. I was already starting to think that I did not have to worry, but a good hacker never calls it a day. Two minutes later he returned. 

 * bitchchecker (~java@euirc-b5cd558e.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #stopHipHop 
 <bitchchecker> dude be happy my pc crashed otherwise you'd be gone 
 <Metanot> lol 
 <Elch> bitchchecker: Then try hacking me again... I still have the same IP: 
 <bitchchecker> you're so stupid man 
 <bitchchecker> say buy buy 
 <Metanot> ah, [Please control your cussing] off 
 <bitchchecker> buy buy elch 
 * bitchchecker (~java@euirc-b5cd558e.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Ping timeout#) 

 There was a tension in the room... Would he manage, after these two failures, to crash my PC? I waited. Nothing happened. I felt relieve... Six minutes passed by until he prepared the next wave of attack. Being a Hacker, who usually cracks whole data centers, he knew what his problem was now. 

 * bitchchecker (~java@euirc-9ff3c180.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #stopHipHop 
 <bitchchecker> elch you son of a bitch 
 <Metanot> bitchchecker how old are you? 
 <Elch> What's up bitchchecker? 
 <bitchchecker> you have a frie wal 
 <bitchchecker> fire wall 
 <Elch> maybe, i don't know 
 <bitchchecker> i'm 26 
 <Metanot> such behaviour with 26? 
 <Elch> how did you find out that I have a firewall? 
 <Metanot> tststs this is not very nice missy 
 <bitchchecker> because your gay fire wall directed my turn off signal back to me 
 <bitchchecker> be a man turn that shit off 
 <Elch> cool, didn't know this was possible. 
 <bitchchecker> thn my virus destroys your pc man 
 <Metanot> are you hacking yourselves? 
 <Elch> yes bitchchecker is trying to hack me 
 <Metanot> he bitchchecker if you're a hacker you have to get around a firewall even i can do that 
 <bitchchecker> yes man i hack the elch but the sucker has a fire wall the 
 <Metanot> what firewall do you have? 
 <bitchchecker> like a girl 
 <Metanot> firewall is normal a normal hacker has to be able to get past it...you girl^^ 
 <He> Bitch give yourself a jackson and chill you're letting them provoce you and give those little girls new material all the time 
 <bitchchecker> turn the firewall off then i send you a virus [Please control your cussing]er 
 <Elch> Noo 
 <Metanot> he bitchchecker why turn it off, you should turn it off 
 <bitchchecker> you're afraid 
 <bitchchecker> i don't wanna hack like this if he hides like a girl behind a fire wall 
 <bitchchecker> elch turn off your shit wall! 
 <Metanot> i wanted to say something about this, do you know the definition of hacking??? if he turns of the firewall that's an invitation and that has nothing to do with hacking 
 <bitchchecker> shut up 
 <Metanot> lol 
 <bitchchecker> my grandma surfs with fire wall 
 <bitchchecker> and you suckers think you're cool and don't dare going into the internet without a fire wall 

 He calls me girly and says only his grandma would use a firewall. I know that elder people are much more intelligent then younger, but I couldn't let that rest. To see whether he really is a good hacker I lie and let everything as it is. I don't have a firewall at all, only my router. 

 <Elch> bitchchecker, a collegue showed me how to turn the firewall off. Now you can try again 
 <Metanot> bitchhacker can't hack 
 <Black<TdV>> nice play on words ^^ 
 <bitchchecker> wort man 
 <Elch> bitchchecker: I'm still waiting for your attack! 
 <Metanot> how many times again he is no hacker 
 <bitchchecker> man do you want a virus 
 <bitchchecker> tell me your ip and it deletes your hard drive 
 <Metanot> lol ne give it up i'm a hacker myself and i know how hackers behave and i can tell you 100.00% you're no hacker..^^ 
 <Elch> it's easy 
 <bitchchecker> lolololol you so stupid man you'll be gone 
 <bitchchecker> and are the first files being deleted 
 <Elch> mom... 
 <Elch> i'll take a look 

 In panic I started the Windows Explorer, my heart beating faster. Had I under-estimated him? 

 <bitchchecker> don't need to rescue you can't son of a bitch 
 <Elch> that's bad 
 <bitchchecker> elch you idiout your hard drive g: is deleted 
 <Elch> yes, there's nothing i can do about it 
 <bitchchecker> and in 20 seconds f: is gone 

 Yes, true, G: and F: were gone. Did I ever have them? Doesn't matter, I did not have time to think, I was scared. bitchchecker was comforting me with a music tip. 

 <bitchchecker> tupac rules 
 <bitchchecker> elch you son of a bitch your f: is gone and e: too 

 Drive E Oh my god... All the games are there! And the vacation pictures! I instantly take a look. Everything still there. But the hacker said it was deleted.... 

 Or isn't it happening on my computer? 

 <bitchchecker> and d: is at 45% you idiot lolololol 
 <He> why doesn't meta say anything 
 <Elch> he's probably rolling on the floor laughing 
 <Black<TdV>> ^^ 
 <bitchchecker> your d: is gone 
 <He> go on BITCH 

 The guy is good: My CD-drive is allegedly deleted! Bitchchecker turned my ancient disk sucker into a burner! But how did he do this? I'll have to ask him. Some encourage him. He himself is giving advice how to avoid the disaster on my hard drives. 

 <bitchchecker> elch man you're so stupid never give your ip on the internet 
 <bitchchecker> i'm already at c: 30 percent 

 Should I tell him he's not attacking my computer? 

 * bitchchecker (~java@euirc-9ff3c180.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Ping timeout#) 

 Too late... It's 20:22 when we get the last message of our hacker with the alias "bitchchecker". We see that he has a "Ping timeout". We haven't seen him since then... must be the Daylight Saving Time.
Skrevet på en lapp som vi hiver oppi en konvolutt som vi binder til pokalen med en slik søt sløyfe!
Sist endret av Bombasa; 10. september 2012 kl. 20:11.
Hva du sa?
Andrew007's Avatar
Haha, Takk folkens! Trur han vet at han gjorde noe dumt
Skriv dette til han "Cem senin anani gotdeliginden sikerim, amina kodumun oglu"

Hvis han er tyrker (ser ut som tyrkisk navn, er fra der selv) så skjønner han det jeg skrev oppe der!
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Sitat av vodkaa Vis innlegg
Skriv dette til han "Cem senin anani gotdeliginden sikerim, amina kodumun oglu"

Hvis han er tyrker (ser ut som tyrkisk navn, er fra der selv) så skjønner han det jeg skrev oppe der!
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Tipper han er en tyker som bor i Nederland. Antakeligvis Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant ^^
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Sitat av Kapitalisten Vis innlegg
Tipper han er en tyker som bor i Nederland. Antakeligvis Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant ^^
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Det virka hvertfall nederlandsk det nicket hans
Sitat av vodkaa Vis innlegg
Skriv dette til han "Cem senin anani gotdeliginden sikerim, amina kodumun oglu"

Hvis han er tyrker (ser ut som tyrkisk navn, er fra der selv) så skjønner han det jeg skrev oppe der!
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"Your mother's asshole, fuck Harry, motherfucker son"
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Ble det ikke noe mer her? Var jo så morsomt lesestoff, haha

Sitat av L33tenGutt Vis innlegg
Siden han har skype kan du bare starte en samtale og finne ip med netstat -nba (krever opphøyd cmd). Har en php-kode som funker om du har bra nett. Bare å sette opp en wamp-server og fyre løs.
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Fungerer det da? Går ikke alt via serverne til skype? Eller kobler man seg faktisk direkte opp mot hverandre? Isåfall er jo det egentlig veldig dumt av skype synes jeg!
Sitat av eddy1337 Vis innlegg
Ble det ikke noe mer her? Var jo så morsomt lesestoff, haha

Fungerer det da? Går ikke alt via serverne til skype? Eller kobler man seg faktisk direkte opp mot hverandre? Isåfall er jo det egentlig veldig dumt av skype synes jeg!
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Skype er et p2p-programm, som µTorrent Så, ja, du finner IP'en til den andre personen, + 4-5 IP'er som hører til skype. Dette funker, for jeg har testa med en kompis

Her kan dere finne en og annen morsom IRC samtale iaf. Ikke helt så rå som den postet tidligere i tråden, men det er dog mange timer morro å finne her.

Typ sånne:

t0rbad> so there i was in this hallway right
BlackAdder> i believe i speak for all of us when i say...
BlackAdder> IM SICK OF YOU
BlackAdder> IN FACT
*** t0rbad sets mode: +b BlackAdder*!*@*.*
*** BlackAdder has been kicked my t0rbad ( )
t0rbad> so there i was in this hallway right
CRCError> right
heartless> Right.
r3v> right

<Khassaki> HI EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!
<Judge-Mental> try pressing the the Caps Lock key
<Judge-Mental> fuck me
Sist endret av Bompi Bjørn; 8. oktober 2012 kl. 22:05. Grunn: fuck me
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Litt seint ute, men med en skype resolver tok det meg 5 sekunder å finne ip'n hans... lol
Sitat av Dollarman Vis innlegg
Vet ikke om det finnes et LOIC liknende program til å krasje maskinen hans, men det kunne jo vært en enkel løsning for da hadde du bare måtte funnet ut hva IP adressen hans er
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Winnuke? (Håper han kjører ein 95)