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Couple Look for Coperate Sponsorship - To Name Their Child

Jason Black and Frances Schroeder are currently expected their 3rd child, a boy. But they are not trying to find a name for him the usual way. Instead they are offering to name him after the first company to give them $500,000.

They say any company, except for tobacco and gun makers can apply to name their son. The reason for the limits? . "Those are certain standards that we feel we have to stick by."

The couple say, whether he is called Amazon, Starbucks or even Visa will not affect the child because "As long as we provide him with a comfortable and loving home, he's going to turn out fine."

...let's see, do you want you child...a boy...to be named Microsoft? Think that would be a smash hit when you reach your teens... LOL


For en lame ide!
10 0
Har man lyst til å være 16 (puberteten), sjekke damer og presentere seg selv som Micro Soft...tror fort damene blir litt gnukkne på sexen der ja...

hahaha. for en jævla lame ide! Hello mr. visa? or was it amazon?
for å oppnå the real michelin-man må han bli feit å gjøre om flesket til hjul... og bli hvit..hahha
usa i et nøtteskal..
Om jeg hadde hatt 4 millioner i banken, kunne jeg godt blitt kalt Rema 1000..
eller kiwi...haha