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  4 1990
Da er det en ny versjon av det offisielle imaget ute, og det ser ut til at det er en del snacks å glede seg over. Så er det bare å sette seg ned og vente på at ruDREAM lager en versjon

edit: Under følger changelog'en, oversatt fra tysk til engelsk med ett par forskjellige webtranslators, og så skrevet om så godt han som gjorde det kunne

Don't blame me....


             Dreambox official image version changelog
Translated from german to english with the help of two different
translation engines, and then manually edited for added clarity. We have
done our best, but some sentences still lack any kind of clarity. I'm
sorry, but Dream Multimedia REALLY need to start publishing their shit in
                shitty translation (c) 2004 ODD Sat Division

- The web interface was subjected to a beautifying process. It can be
  reached over <DREAMBOX IP>:80 (default value).
- The port of the web interface can be changed over attitudes/
- It is now possible over the WF to start the box again to make zappen,
  an audio with cut.
- For screenshots, you needed an additional module, grabber.o. Since no
  development of DMM is and is not not clarified the license, we cannot
  include it directly within the image. The installation og grabber.o is
  described below.
- Access to the box over the serial interface was extended (to regard of
  listings, etc..)
- /cgi-bin/stopPlugin added: "Killing" of PlugIns - please only with
  extreme caution, with PlugIns that apply to Enigma functions/Libs access
  say good-bye to the entire system.
- /cgi-bin/getEIT added: shows complete dump the event_information_table
  (now/next) for the current services.
- /cgi-bin/currentService added: the current servicereference returns.
- /cgi-bin/currentTransponderServices added: the ServiceReference's of the
  services returns; behind it then that of Enigma the GEC eighth PIDs
  (00xxxx vpid, 01xxxx apid, 02xxxx Textpid, 03xxxx PCRPid, 04xxxx AC3 Pid)

- The MPEG decoder got a new Microcode given. Thus some changes at the
  decoding system became necessary. Through it it gives now::
- Even faster zapping (with which we are however now with the end of the
  flag bar). ** NOTE: No, I didn't get it either. ;)
- more constant switching times.
- Picture and sound should now be synchronized better.
- Playback of MPEG/VOBs should be less jerky.

- In the audio menu there is now support for transmissions in the old two-
  channel sound-procedure, i.e. one can select left mono, stero or right
  mono. After zapping, it jumps automatically back to stereo.
  ** NOTE: This function has already been a part of e.g. ruDREAM.
- TV-standard added. Thus it is now possible to operate the box at a NTSC
  television (provided someone does some ntsc-suitable skin sketches).
- The main menu (OSD setup) can now be selectively represented as a cunning
- With hard disk reception, the event-information is now stored, so the
  info-key can be used during playback.
- In the A/V Setup menu, the options now gives "always 16:9" - thus one can
  always hold 16:9 TV's in anamorphic mode.
  ** NOTE: Wooohooo, finally! ;)
- New language: Romanian.
- Plugins are now started in their own threads. Thus Enigma keeps running
  in the background, and all timers, etc., function.
- If a timer event lies on the same transponder that you are viewing, or
  however mp3s hears, turns o. õ. then the timer now in the background
  over. ** NOTE: No, didn't make sense to me either way I twist it...
- Complete files can now be included in Bouquets.
- Support for multi-service-suited CI: in the reception of encoded
  transmitter and simultaneous appearance of another encoded transmitter,
  the CI would have to decode two transmitters simultaneously. Although in
  the CI specifications this is so intended, unfortunately only very few
  CIs support this feature (only the AlphaCrypt with completely current
  firmware admits it). Because Enigma has no possibility to test the
  compatibility of the CIs, one must activate the support explicitly in the
  CI-Setup. Important: If the CI does not support this mode (e.g.
  IceCrypt/JokerCAM) and it is nevertheless activated, then the admission
  stops (picture and sound freezes).

- The crash on WDR and test-r was fixed.
- In the skins "16:9" and "small 16:9", some pixel errors were fixed.
- After leaving a plugin, the "Fernbedienungsbuffer" is emptied - thus the
  plugin window should now not always automatically auto-close.
- Date/Time fixed (Time Correction Window).
- Fix in the section handling in PVR (negatively filter timeout fixed).
- Assistance with text input fields completes.
- PS/VOB Player fixed: Problems if the video package of sizes were too
  large were repaired (in DVB receptions).
- Important: the old registry-format became obsolete. The new file is
  called only "config" and is a text file. Enigma converts the file
  automatically and names the old Registry file "registry_unneeded". Thus,
  the attitudes of a newer image are no longer transferred to an older one,
  if someone chooses to "downgrade" for some reason.
- If you quickzap at the end of a bouquet (only real bouquest, blue key),
  you now continue onto the next one.
- "playlist.epl" completes; if one jumps now with the history function
  forward and/or backwards, it is change also again into the correct
  Bouquet (same applies to the "0" key).
- Crash in the enigma startup fixed (sometimes the box rebooted directly
  after starting up).
- The info-bar now remains visible always with radio and mp3 playback.
- An error in the Dreamcrypt support fixed.
- Transponder scan problem fixed: All transponders were not scanned, if
  these transponders were not regained in the process of the Scan's in a
- In TS files, the correct services are now always displayed in the PAT.
- Problem when adding the assistance entries into the channel lists
  assistance fixed: there e.g. the Dream key was missing.
- Problem when two receptions on the same transmitter (without
  zwischendrinn to zappen) fixed: No PAT was present in the TS there
  contained starting from the second admission.
Sist endret av glenn; 20. februar 2004 kl. 11:59.
Ohh da er det bare å sette seg i god stolen å teste ut detta, takk for info glenn!
glenn's Avatar
Husk at dette er det offisielle imaget da, det kommer helt uten emu's og denslags... derfor man vel venter på ruDREAM-versjon, kan du si
Kan ikke du slenge opp en link til det når det kommer? Håper de har fikset den mad irriterende hakkingen som kommer når jeg skal se film av og til.
glenn's Avatar
Ofcourse, you'll know it first Ser ut på changelogen som hakking ved avspilling er en av de tingene som er justert, ja.

edit2: Det ser ut som om Ronald er den som er først ute med en versjon basert på 1.07.4. Den kan hentes på hjemmesiden hans (dreambox.gamesquad.nl) eller på andre downloadsider.

Personlig tror jeg nok jeg venter på ruDREAM
Sist endret av glenn; 20. februar 2004 kl. 11:56.