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ok, det som har skjedd:

1. morpheus ble h4x3t
2. morpheus går over til gnutella med ny klient
3. morpheus bryter samarbeidet med kazaa

morpheus og kazaa samarbeidet helt til morpheus ble hacket. de kjørte like klienter på samme nettverk.
This week MusicCity and Morpheus users suffered dual attacks. First, early this week MusicCity's servers were hit by a massive Denial of Service attack. Soon thereafter, Morpheus users found that a separate attack had been launched on their computers and their Morpheus software programs.
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dager etter at morpheus var nede kom kazaa ut med versjon 1.5 av kazaa klienten.
og på hovedsida til kazaa står det
morpheus users

come on over to our place...
...you'll feel quite at home.
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de har også lagt opp et "m2k Morpheus Migration Tool"

uttdrag fra morpheus sin side
A recent press statement announced that KAZAA/Sharman Networks has a new program that allows you to re-connect to the Kazaa/FastTrack Network. This new program is NOT endorsed by MusicCity and will NOT allow you to connect to the Morpheus/Gnutella P2P network. We find it interesting that someone sent a message to your computer earlier this week which prevented your Morpheus Software product from joining the network and now a new software installer suggests that it allows you to re-connect. Remember with Morpheus, no spy ware, just a great P2P software product.
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se på
www.musiccity.com (morpheus)
www.kazaa.com (kazaa)

morpheus.jpg og kazaa.jpg


har kazaa h4x3t morpheus?
har musikkbransjen h4x3t morpheus?
har noen av dere ereksjonssvikt?
Sist endret av Phun Q; 5. mars 2002 kl. 19:49.
Phun Q's Avatar

These attacks have forced us to more quickly deploy our new software product in order to allow you to bring the largest p2p community back together. Since it appears that the attack on your computers came from the closed proprietary FastTrack-Kazaa software, we have opted not to continue with this p2p kernel. We believe it to have the ability to access your computer at will and change registry settings. In addition, we remain committed to NOT bundling any spy ware with our product.
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kazaa h4x3t morpheus for å ta over kundene til morpheus.