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While always an advantage – esp. in a professional environment – to know the local language, having quite a few expats friends living in Norway I’d say being a native English speaker will make it easy for you to get around in terms of ‘everyone’ being able to communicate with you. However, learning Norwegian will be twice as hard than if you were from a country with a less familiar language and poor English skills, since most people will turn to English when you try to learn Norwegian.

In general, getting to know a foreign language and people are usually easier if you’re in a school-situation. I don’t know much about foreigners applying to Norwegian universities and colleges, but I presume there are standards in calculating your English grades so that you could apply for a spot. Some lines of study also use alot of English both in lectures and curriculum.

If you’d rather come over to work, it’s possible to pick up any random job, but I’d highly recommend picking up a skill and maybe a even something where your nationality could give you an extra advantage before coming over. Whilst not having the highest unemployment rates in Europe, getting a proper job is always hard without some background.
Sist endret av Cadex; 30. desember 2013 kl. 22:13.
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Come to Haugesund. Its the best city :

Sitat av Szilvia Vis innlegg
Come to Haugesund. Its the best city :

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Sitat av Szilvia Vis innlegg
Come to Haugesund. Its the best city :

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Oh yeah sure. It's _the_ best city, and everything is centered around Haugesund.

< Irony >