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fant en ganske interessant artikkel på internet, men forstår den ikke helt! kan noen her forklare meg hva denne artikkelen sier?
her er linken: https://curiosity.com/topics/panpsyc...elf-curiosity/

"The weird thing about quantum mechanics, the physics of the smallest particles in the universe, is that the behavior of those particles seems to be dependent on an observer. This whole can of worms was opened with the double-slit experiment, which showed that just like teenagers, photons act differently when they are being observed. The most widely accepted explanation for this is known as the Copenhagen interpretation, which says that every particle exists in all of its possible states at once, but once that particle has been measured or otherwise observed, it "collapses" into one state. Of course, this goes against common sense and everything that we've assumed about physics up to that point. Jupiter doesn't choose a position when astronomers observe it, after all.

It's enough to make you think that the laws that work for some physical objects (like quarks) don't apply to others (like gas giants). And that's kind of been the problem of physics for the past century or so. It's so bad that some physicists think that quantum mechanics means the end of reality. If subatomic particles don't "choose" their reality until they've been observed, then what is real?"
Sist endret av HectorX; 18. mai 2018 kl. 20:06. Grunn: måtte legge til linken

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