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Hei, jeg driver min egen ts3 server hjemme fra og har nåkommet over en litt interessant addon. Det er en bot som kan flytte folk, banne, og sende meldinger osv. I forhold til hva man koder den til å gjøre, men den er i java kode. Og siden jeg har null peiling på dette lurte jeg på om det er noen andre her inne som har vært borti denne addon til teamspeak, eller som kan java og kunne hjuloet meg litt.

Navnet på programet er JTS3ServerMod
Uten å ha gått altfor dypt i det, ser det jo veldig enkelt ut.
Anything can be configured in a config file.
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Du trenger ikke nødvendigvis å kunne java, da det er en egen konfig fil og det følger med dokumentasjon i linken du ga(linker litt ned i posten på den siden).


Hvis du setter deg ned å leser litt, og prøver så tror jeg du kommer langt. Skal sjekke ut denne når jeg har våkna skikkelig(etter kaffe) da jeg har TS3 server selv og kunne vært morsomt om det fungerte OK.
Sist endret av aphex; 4. mai 2016 kl. 11:01.
Ok, takker for tips

Hvis noen har brukt dette før og vet hvordan man setter det opp, hadde jeg satt stor pris på litt tips. Har prøvd å lese meg litt opp på dette, men er ikke så altfor flink til dette med koding.

Vel, har fått boten opp og gå på serveren og den sender velkomst melding, men jeg får ikke til idlechecker. Noen her som forstår det som står her


må trykke på idlecheker for å få opp informasjonen på det.
Sist endret av Zaloz; 4. mai 2016 kl. 22:48. Grunn: Automatisk sammenslåing med etterfølgende innlegg.
ओम नमो नारायण
Dodecha's Avatar
Sitat av Zaloz Vis innlegg
Vel, har fått boten opp og gå på serveren og den sender velkomst melding, men jeg får ikke til idlechecker. Noen her som forstår det som står her


må trykke på idlecheker for å få opp informasjonen på det.
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Hva har du gjort da?

Har du gitt funksjonen et nytt navn i hovedconfigen slik de advarer du må gjøre?

Replace FUNCTIONNAME with your chosen function name! You set the function name in the main bot configuration at the config key bot_functions! You can use this function multiple times! Make sure that you use different function names. And don't forget that you also need the following configuration for each function name of this function class in the main bot configuration file.
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I hovedconfigen skal du ha en linje med forskjellige funksjoner og hva de skal hete i ditt oppsett, f.eks:


bot_functions = IdleCheck:idle,IdleCheck:idle_guest,MuteMover:mute,WelcomeMessage:welcome,WelcomeMessage:welcome_guest
Her ser du f.eks at IdleCheck er nevnt flere ganger men de deler den opp i flere funksjoner som heter idle og idle_guest, man kan da ha to forskjellige idlechecks med forskjellige regler, siden man fortsetter configen sådan:


idle_action = move
idle_moveback = no
og slik


idle_guest_action = move
idle_guest_moveback = no
Her er hele koden minus login infoen, det med # er bare kommentarer som ikke har noe å si for at boten skal kunne kjøre.


# Channel id, the bot will join into it after connecting. If not wanted, use a negative number like -1.
# Don't set the default channel here, because the bot is already in the default channel after connecting.
bot_channel_id = -1
# Activate the slow mode of the bot, 0 = disable, 1 = enable.
# If slow mode is activated, the bot connects slower to the server
# and disables some bot features to reduce the amount of needed commands.
# This feature may allow you to use the bot without whitelist the bot IP address.
# Slow mode disables the client database cache and do not allow the bot check interval to be lower than 3 seconds.
bot_slowmode = 0
# Check every X seconds, default is 1. Values between 1 and 30 are allowed.
# If slow mode is activated, 3 is the lowest possible value.
bot_check_interval = 1
# A different encoding of the messages config files.
# Default is UTF-8 which should be good for all EU and US languages.
# Change this only if you know what you are doing!
# For English or German language you can also use the encoding ISO-8859-1
# A list of all valid ones: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/...oding.doc.html
bot_messages_encoding = UTF-8
# This enables the client database list cache. This cache is needed for commands like !searchip. 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable
bot_clientdblist_cache = 1
# This enables the global message variables. See readme file for a list of variables. 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable
# If enabled, you can use all server variables in all messages. If not needed, disable this to save performance.
bot_global_message_vars = 0
# Server Query name, this will be displayed as name of the connection.
bot_server_query_name = Server Bot
# Second Server Query name, this will be displayed as name of the connection.
# This name will be used, if the first name is already in use.
bot_server_query_name_2 = MyJTS3ServerMod
# Change the date pattern, which will be used to format a date in chat functions and welcome message.
# To get help how to make such a pattern, look here: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/...ateFormat.html
bot_date_pattern = yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
# Change the timezone of the bot, which will be used for the date of the chat functions and welcome message.
# If nothing is set here, the default timezone of the operating system will be used.
# To get a list of valid timezones, look at the TZ column on the following page:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o...ime_zones#List
bot_timezone = 
# Should the bot try to connect forever if the Teamspeak server or the bot is offline? 0 = disable, 1 = enable
bot_connect_forever = 0
# Minimum log level, how much details you want to be written to the bot log files? Default is 1.
# Higher log levels will be also written, as an example: You set log level to 2, level 2, 3 and critical errors will be written to bot log file.
# 0 = Debug
# 1 = Information (recommended and default)
# 2 = Warning (recommended for smaller log files)
# 3 = Error (experts only)
bot_log_level = 1
# A comma separated list (without spaces) of unique user ids, which should be able to use bot admin commands.
# The unique user ids looks like this: mBbHRXwDAG7R19Rv3PorhMwbZW4=
bot_admin_list = 
# A comma separated list (without spaces) of server group ids, which should be able to use the following bot admin commands:
# !clientsearch, !searchip, !listinactiveclients, !listinactivechannels, !channellist, !setchannelname, !setchannelgroup, !removeservergroups, !removechannelgroups, !msgchannelgroup and !msgservergroup.
# All other bot admin commands are not allowed!
bot_lightadmingroup_list = 

# Set a comma separated list (without spaces) of needed bot functions here.
# Each function needs the function class (or plugin filename) and the function name, both separated with a colon.
# All possible function classes are listed below, that class is case sensitive!
# You can use external functions, they have to be in the plugins directory and you have to use the filename
# including the jar file extension as function class, as an example: AutoKickTimer.jar:akt
# That function name you choose is important and has to be unique. It will be used as prefix for the configuration key names and chat commands.
# Don't use spaces in the function names, only use letters, numbers, minus and underscore!
# Most functions allow multiple usage, that allows you to set as many welcome messages or idle check rules, as you want.
# Don't forget that you have to put all settings of the functions in this file.
# Hint: Start the bot with the argument -updateconfig after adding bot functions, that writes the configuration for all functions into this file!
# Whole command: java -jar JTS3ServerMod.jar -updateconfig
# Notice: This -updateconfig will also delete all lines of removed or renamed functions in this config file!
# For more information about the functions read documents/ConfigHelp.html or documents/ConfigHelp_deutsch.html!
# Example: IdleCheck:idle,IdleCheck:idle_guest,MuteMover:mute,WelcomeMessage:welcome,WelcomeMessage:welcome_guest
# This example gives you the following:
# - Two IdleCheck with the name idle and idle_guest
# - One MuteMover with the name mute
# - Two WelcomeMessage with the name welcome and welcome_guest

# Select the action if a client is idle for more than the specified maximum time, possible values: kick and move
IdleCheck_action = move
# If clients got moved, move client back if not idle anymore? Set yes or no here!
IdleCheck_moveback = no
# If clients should be moved, set channel id to move idle clients into it.
IdleCheck_channel_id = 31
# A comma separated list (without spaces) of channel ids.
# Depends on the given mode, this channels can be ignored or only this channels will be checked!
# If no channels should be ignored, set no channels here and select the channel list mode ignore!
IdleCheck_channel_list = 88,89,90,94,95,151
# Select one of the two modes for the channel list.
# ignore = The selected channels will be ignored.
# only = Only the selected channels will be checked.
IdleCheck_channel_list_mode = ignore
# A comma separated list (without spaces) of server group ids.
# Depends on the given mode, this server groups can be ignored or only this server groups will be checked!
# If no server groups should be ignored, set no server groups here and select the group list mode ignore!
IdleCheck_group_list = 
# Select one of the two modes for the server group list.
# ignore = The selected server groups will be ignored.
# only = Only the selected server groups will be checked.
IdleCheck_group_list_mode = ignore
# Set the max idle time in minutes.
# If clients should be kicked, the client will be kicked after being idle for this time.
# If clients should be moved, the client will be moved to specified channel after being idle for this time!
IdleCheck_max_time = 3
# If clients should be moved, set the max idle time in minutes to kick someone.
# Has to be greater than FUNCTIONNAME_max_time or -1 to disable this feature!
IdleCheck_second_max_time = -1
# Set the idle warn time in minutes or set -1 to disable this feature.
# The idle warn time has to be smaller than the max idle time
IdleCheck_warn_time = 1
# A minimum client count to activate the idle check (Query clients are not counted).
# If less clients are in the channel or on the server, idle check does nothing.
IdleCheck_min_clients = 1
# Select if the minimum client count is needed in the channel or on the server.
# channel or server are valid values!
IdleCheck_min_clients_mode = channel
# If clients should be moved, select the message mode, how the client should get the message.
# poke, chat or none are valid values!
IdleCheck_message_mode = chat
# Select the message mode, how the client should get the message.
# poke or chat are valid values!
IdleCheck_warn_message_mode = chat
# Path to file which contains the idle messages
IdleCheck_file = config/server1/idlemessages.cfg

# Function list (multiple use possible):
# Advertising - Send messages to channel or server chat every X minutes
# AutoMove - Move connecting clients of a specified server group to a specified channel
# AwayMover - Move the client as soon as away status is set for longer than X seconds
# BadChannelNameCheck - Checking for bad channel names, can delete the channel and punish the client
# BadNicknameCheck - Checking for bad nicknames and can punish the client
# ChannelNotify - Notify specified server groups about clients joining a specified channel
# IdleCheck - Move or kick an idle client, can also send an idle warning message
# InactiveChannelCheck - Delete channels if empty for more than X hours
# LastSeen - Chat command to check the last online time of a client (client database list cache must be enabled!)
# MuteMover - Move the client as soon as the specified mute status is set for longer than X seconds
# RecordCheck - Move or kick a recording client (of course only the record function of the Teamspeak client is detected)
# ServerGroupNotify - Notify specified server groups about clients of specified server groups connecting to the TS3 server
# ServerGroupProtection - Make sure that only specified clients are members of the specified server groups
# WelcomeMessage - Sends a message to new connected clients
bot_functions = WelcomeMessage:welcome,IdleCheck:idle
# Set a comma separated list (without spaces) of needed but disabled bot functions here.
# Same format as bot_functions!
# All functions you set here are not activated at bot start, but you can switch on functions using chat commands.
bot_functions_disabled =
har byttet function name med IdleCheck
Sist endret av Zaloz; 4. mai 2016 kl. 23:08. Grunn: Automatisk sammenslåing med etterfølgende innlegg.
ओम नमो नारायण
Dodecha's Avatar
Du må skifte IdleCheck_* linjene dine om til idle_* i og med at du har gitt funksjonen navnet "idle".
Fikk det til nå, måtte endre aktiveringsnavnet takk iallefall for hjelpen folkens