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Kom til å tenke på øyefarge og statistikk. Kom over noe på Yahoo Answers. Dette er vel og merke 5 år gammelt, og fra Wikipedia, men er det noen som gjerne har litt ferskere informasjon (som ikke er fra Wiki)?

Ligger ved den 5 år gamle statistikken om noen synes det er interessant:

"32% blue/grey irises
15% blue/grey/green irises with brown/yellow specks
12% green/light brown irises with minimal specks
16% brown irises with specks
25% dark brown irises
Blue eyes are relatively common throughout Europe and other areas with populations of European descent, such as Canada, the United States, Australia and some countries of South America, in lower proportions, like Argentina, Uruguay or Brazil. Throughout the rest of the world they are relatively rare. Approximately 8% of the world's population has blue eyes. Blue eyes are often (but not exclusively) associated with those who have light skin and fairer hair colours, such as blond and red.

Blue eyes contain low amounts of melanin within the iris stroma; longer wavelengths of light tend to be absorbed by the underlying iris pigment epithelium and shorter wavelengths are reflected and undergo Rayleigh scattering.[5] The type of melanin present is eumelanin.[18]

Blue eyes are found in people of European descent. Finland and Lithuania have the highest proportions of blue-eyed people; they are also very common in other countries around the Baltic Sea.[citation needed] One survey estimated that nearly 90% of Icelanders have blue or green eyes.[41] A 2002 study found the prevalence of blue eye color among non-Hispanic whites in the United States to be 33.8% for those born between 1936 and 1951 compared to 57.4% for those born between 1899 and 1905,[7] apparently due to high birth rate among Italian-Americans and other predominantly brown-eyed whites in the middle of the century, and perhaps also an increased number of southern European immigrants.[citation needed]

Blue is the color of the indole monomer that when polymerised forms melanin.[citation needed] If both alleles for brown eyes (a polymerase gene) are absent or damaged, the blue color remains.[citation needed] The inheritance pattern followed by blue eyes is thought to be similar to that of a recessive trait.[7] As melanin production generally increases during the first few years of life, the blue eyes of some babies may darken as they get older."

Mvh: Mikal B