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Jeg har eit problem med Virusprogrammet AVG, jeg får installert det og alt ser ut som det kommer til å fungere. Men jeg klarer ikke oppdatere, når jeg prøver og oppdatere AVG får jeg feilmeldingen : "The connection with update server has failed."

Jeg søkte opp problemet på grisoft.com, og fant dette:
The connection with update server has failed.

If you try to update AVG and the error Update failed. Connection with update server has failed. is displayed, it can be caused by one of the following reasons:

Connection to AVG update servers is blocked
In case you are using any Firewall or Content filtering applicaiton, please make sure that it is not preventing AVG from connecting to Internet. If you are using Windows Firewall, AVG will allow itself automatically during the instalaltion, however this is not possible for all other Firewall or Content filtering solutions. You can temporarily disable any such program to verify whether it is affecting AVG, or add AVG files and servers to its exceptions. The list of files used by AVG, and servers to which is AVG connecting are available in FAQ topic 1216.

Your Internet connection is not fully functional
Your Internet connection to AVG update servers may stop working in some cases, although standard Internet browsing works correctly. Proceed as follows to rectify such situation:

* Open menu Start -> (Settings) -> Control Panel.
* Double-click on Network connections.
* Right-click on Local area connection and select Repair.
* Try to update AVG.

Your Internet settings are not correct
Even if your Internet connection is working correctly, incorrect DNS servers may be filled in, affecting AVG update. This can be caused e.g. by some virus that was previously on your computer.

* Open menu Start -> (Settings) -> Control Panel.
* Double-click on Network connections.
* Right-click on the connection you are using and choose Properties.
* Double-click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) item on the General tab.
* Please check (and modify if necessary) the settings of IP address and DNS servers according to your Internet Provider settings or choose the "Obtain DNS server address automatically" option.
* Confirm the settings by clicking on the OK button.
* Close the window.

You are using dial-up connection
In case you are using dial-up connection, you should configure AVG to use this connection.

* Open AVG by double-click on AVG icon your Desktop, or in system tray.
* Open menu Tools -> Advanced settings -> Update -> Dial-up.
* Tick the option Use dial-up connections.
* Save the settings using OK button and try to update again.
Vis hele sitatet...
Jeg har test alt og det er ikke det! Jeg kjører Windows xp, uten noen brannmur, windows barnnmuren er også skrudd av.

Nettverket er satt opp slikt : Modem -> linksys ruter , Kobla til via Trådløst.
Ellers har jeg ingen problem med internetten.

Jeg har prøvd og starta modemet og rutern mange ganger, først trodde jeg det var noe gale med AVG sin update server, men har fått samme feil i flere dager nå.

Hadde vert utrolig glad om noen viste hva som muligens kan være problemet?

På forhånd Takk, EllriCho <- ohCrille
▼ ... noen måneder senere ... ▼
Sitter med akkurat samme problem.

Jeg har AVG Internet Security 8.0.227
Hadde samme problem. Ga opp og byttet til Avast.