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Alle stoffer er vel skadelige, om de misbrukes. Spiser jeg 10 cheeseburgere hverdag vil det også være farlig.

Det mest skadelige rusmiddel - "Er" alkohol.

"Multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) modeling showed that heroin, crack cocaine, and methamphetamine were the most harmful drugs to individuals (part scores 34, 37, and 32, respectively), whereas alcohol, heroin, and crack cocaine were the most harmful to others (46, 21, and 17, respectively). Overall, alcohol was the most harmful drug (overall harm score 72), with heroin (55) and crack cocaine (54) in second and third places (see chart above)."

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Hvorfor marijuana burde legaliseres - Engelsk

Videre kan du jo lese litt her.

Jeg vil forresten legge til at jeg ikke røyker cannabis, men har gjort. (Om det skulle ha noe å si).

Studie som viser at trappetrinns modellen ikke funker.

"Using marijuana puts children and teens in contact with people who are users and sellers of other drugs. So there is more of a risk that a marijuana user will be exposed to and urged to try more drugs." (From Marijuana: Facts for Teens, 1998
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Altså, det er ikke selve stoffet som gjør at du hopper videre, men det at det er under svart-marked.
For mer info kan du lese litt her : <-- på siden er det henvisninger til rapporter gjort av RAND, The institute of medice + mer.

uansett, lykke til med oppgaven.
Sist endret av Saint123; 3. februar 2012 kl. 17:22.