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Hahah wasn't expecting this sort of response! Anyway, it's an anonymous forum, your secret is safe with freak.

For real though, would it be logical to use biological sex + genitals? Purely biological sex? Self identification seems to be the law at the moment but that feels like a ticking time bomb. I think the gut reaction of most people (behind closed doors clearly...) is that biological sex is the way to go, but I've seen some very well passing transwomen that would probably face problems in male prisons, it doesn't seem fair to punish them further. To be honest I don't see the same problems happening with a transman, but I guess that's also taboo to say...

Prison reform is a whole other can of worms and Norway does a relatively okay job on that front, but regardless of how humane a prison is the question of gender is going to come up more and more because there are more and more people identifying as trans. The discussion doesn't have to center personal opinion on the life choices of these people (just like the discussion around the human rights of other inmates) but a clinical/critical conversation would be interesting.