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Ja, til dømes retorikk. T.d. forklarar det på eksemplarisk vis:

In a long essay in July, Putin argued that there was no Ukrainian nation. Complementing his earlier claims with some that he presented as historical, Putin wrote of the “unity” of Russians and Ukrainians. The West had confused Ukrainians to believe that they had their own separate identity, but that could be corrected.

This echoed Hitler’s view. The führer also thought the Ukrainians were natural colonial people, who, once liberated from the supposedly Jewish leadership of the Soviet Union, would happily serve new masters. Dmitry Medvedev closed the gap between these two positions, making clear that what disqualified Ukrainian government was its Jewish president. In the weeks before the invasion, Russia refused to negotiate with Ukraine, presenting it as a vassal.
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Forøvrig minner engasjementet ditt litt om sealioning. Heng deg opp i små detaljer, og forlang forklaring på det. Det er ikkje veldig interessant kva kallenavn eg nyttar; det formidlar ei meining eg har om kva retning Russland tar under Putler, men så fordømt mykje meir kan du ikkje legge i det.
Sist endret av vidarlo; 8. april 2022 kl. 23:18. Grunn: Automatisk sammenslåing med etterfølgende innlegg.