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Hei, tenkt jeg skulle dele dette med dere:

Et prosjekt kalt Mars One planlegger å få mennesker på mars 2023.

ALLE kan søke seg til dette prosjektet å det kreves INGEN spesialutdannelse eller noe sånt. Det kreves tho at din fysiske og mentale helse er i orden. Dette er en enveisbillett, de som blir utvalgt til dette kommer ikke tilbake til jorden.

Her er planen foreløbig:

As of June 2012, the mission plan is as follows
2013: The first 24 astronauts will be selected a replica of the settlement will be built for training purposes.
2014: The first communication satellite will be produced.
2016: A supply mission will be launched during January (arriving October) with 2,500 kilograms (5,500 lb) of food in a 5 metres (16 ft) diameter variant of the SpaceX Dragon. The fallback if this is not ready in time is either to use a 3.8 metres (12 ft) Dragon or to delay by two years.
2018: An exploration vehicle will launch to pick the location of the settlement.
2021: Six additional Dragon capsules and another rover will launch with two living units, two life support units and two supply units.
2022: A SpaceX Falcon Heavy will launch with the first group of four colonists.
2023: The first colonists will arrive on Mars in a modified Dragon capsule.[16]
2025: A second group of four colonists will arrive.
2033: The colony will reach 20 settlers.
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En norsk 18 åring som har vært i intervju med Mars One/potensiell astronaut