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Geitrams og mjødurt vet jeg ikke mye om men husk at noen stoffer går godt sammen, og andre går mindre godt sammen. Synergieffekter kan gjøre mye rart,sjekk det opp før du gjør det. Du trenger ikke mer enn bare sopp egentlig hehe..
Ang kakao så spesifiserer jeg RÅkakao, ikke varmebehandlet vanlig kakao, kjøpes på helsekost for endel penger, eller du får det i noen sånne små sjokolader av merket "raw". Fra helsekosten må du blande det ut selv med annet snacks, smaker litt stramt på egen hånd. Putt det i blendern med mandler, dadler, litt salt og litt kokosolje feks, rull små sjokoballer av det. Bare å munche underveis på soppen

Effektmessig så kan jeg hvertfall si at jeg og dama aldri har hatt noe badtrip-tendenser når vi har det, og at det gjerne blir litt lettere å takle på en måte. Men har ikke nok erfaring til å si noe sikkert enda. Har mest erfaring med lette soppdoser og så vet ikke hvordan det er med større. Klart mye psykisk/placebo som er mulig spiller inn, men jeg liker effekten.

Sakset fra the shroomery, om kakao og sopp:

Cacao has a long history of being used in combination with other psychoactive plants. snip

Cacao works to potentiate three primary psychoactive pathways: tryptophan/tryptamine, phenylalanine/phenylethylamine and cannabinoid/anandamide. Cacao works along other pathways as well. Evidence suggests that lactone compounds are also activated by cacao. Additionally, psychoactive plants that work on yet-to-be-understood principles seem to be enhanced by cacao. Again, although theorized for some time, it has now been proven that cacao contains MAO inhibitors known as tetrahydro-beta-carbolines that potentiate and positively flavor entheogenic compounds. [See research paper below for more details on all of this.*]

Cacao somehow enhances the absorption of and/or inhibits the breakdown of tryptamine alkaloids such as those found in magic mushrooms, morning glory seeds, baby Hawaiian woodrose seeds, iboga root, certain mimosa barks and flowers, as well as certain acacia barks. Therefore cacao can perpetuate and/or amplify the effects of tryptamine-based entheogens.

It is well documented that visually-stimulating, consciousness-expanding mushrooms were consumed along with cacao drinks in various Aztec and Mayan rituals. The Aztecs called the magic mushroom: teonanacatl.

The best documented use of cacao and magic mushrooms together dates back to Aztec society. Cacao traders known as the pochteca (who were not actually Aztecs, but were the descendants of the Maya) would eat mushrooms in the evening and then continue boosting the effect with chocolate drinks all night.

The Spanish chronicler Sahagun wrote: "The first thing eaten at the gathering were certain black little mushrooms, which they called nanacatl, which inebriate and cause hallucinations, and even provoke lust. These they ate before dawn, and they also drank cacao before dawn." According to Jonathan Ott’s research, another chronicler, Diego Duran, referring to a now-lost history text describing the coronation of Aztec emperor Ahuitzotl circa 1486 A.D., wrote: "In this whole story I have noted one thing: mention is never made that anyone drank wine of any kind to get drunk, but only woodland mushrooms which they ate raw, on which says the History, they were happy and rejoiced and went somewhat out of their heads, and of wine no mention is made ... mention is only made of the abundance of chocolate that was being drunk in these solemnities."

Researchers Valentina P. Wasson and her husband R. Gordon Wasson found the traditional mushroom-cacao ritual still intact in Mexico. On June 29th, 1955, Gordon Wasson and a friend visited shamaness Maria Sabina in her home village of Huautla de Jimenez outside of Oaxaca, Mexico. On that fateful night Maria Sabina fed Gordon Wasson a cacao beverage with teonanacatl. In 1957, Wasson’s experiences were published in an issue of Life magazine arousing the mass imagination of a new generation of Americans and helping to usher in the psychedelic era. Swiss scientist Albert Hofmann’s subsequent pioneering research demonstrated that the teonanacatl obtained for him by the Wassons contained the psychoactive tryptamine, psilocybin. Subsequent research revealed another active tryptamine in the mushroom called psilocin.

Why would one get the idea of adding cacao to mushrooms? As it seems to do with all entheogens, cacao tonifies or qualifies the effects of mushrooms. It adds a lightness and silliness to the effect, and decreases the probability of having a "bad trip." The spirit of cacao and the magic mushroom seem to be working together to expand consciousness and transform the planet from misery into hilariousness. Traditionally in Mexico, mushrooms were crushed on a heated metate and then made into an aqueous infusion. This corresponds to today’s general shamanic strategy of making magic mushroom tea (held for 15 minutes between 140 and 160 degrees Fahrenheit and not boiled) to deactivate the liver toxins generally found in all raw mushrooms. Multiple 15 minute extractions of the material may be needed to draw all the psilocybin into the tea water (squeezing the material at the end of each extraction helps draw the active principle into the tea). This tea can be mixed with herbs and then blended with cacao and other alchemical ingredients to create magic hot chocolate. Up to this day, the shamans of Huautla de Jimenez still use cacao beans with magic mushrooms in ceremonies.

Naked Chocolate, David Wolfe & Shazzie |

*Tomas Herraiz. "Tetrahydro-β-carbolines, Potential Neuroactive Alkaloids, in Chocolate and Cocoa", J. Agric. Food Chem., 2000, 48 (10), pp 4900–4904 |

di Tomaso E, Beltramo M, Piomelli D. "Brain cannabinoids in chocolate." Nature 1996, 382(6593):677-678 |

Info on the quality factor of cacao:

28 minute lecture: (Good write up on this page.)
Sist endret av Mycelium; 23. september 2016 kl. 23:03. Grunn: Automatisk sammenslåing med etterfølgende innlegg.