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Sitat av Mattiti Vis innlegg
Der står det "trolig". Mye av infoen om produkter av cannabis er bygget på myter og forskning som er gjort feil. feks. så trodde/tror mange at røyking gjør at man mister hjerneseller. Denne uttalelsen er bygget på et prosjekt USA gjorde på aper. Og ja, de mistet hjerneceller fordi de ikke fikk oksygentilførsel men kun pumpet ren røyk i lungene. Dette med sædreduksjon stemmer heller ikke ettersom dette er prøvd forsket på i dag. Og ikke på 70 tallet og fått et evigvarende stempel i ettertid.
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Greit nok at noen kan like drogen, og at en del eldre forskning kanskje ikke er like fornuftig, men en bør likevel ikke glorifisere planten og se vekk fra forskning som klart sier at cannabis har en hel del negative helsemessige effekter.

More than three decades ago, the suspicion arose that cannabis smoking might have a
negative effect on the fertility of men. Harmon and Aliapoulios (1972) reported three cases
of gynaecomastia (development of breasts in men) in three large-scale consumers of
cannabis. The researchers held that the hormonal effects (particularly a reduction in
testosterone) suggested by the gynaecomastia ought to have a negative impact on sperm
production. Subsequent animal experiments have pointed in the same direction, while
direct studies of the sperm production of cannabis-smoking men have yielded
contradictory results (Bloch, 1983). Both Hollister (1986) and Gold (1989) maintain that it
is very uncertain what this effect on testosterone levels means in terms of sperm
production. It is probably the case that these disturbances matter the most in teenagers and
in men who already have a low level of sperm production owing to other factors.
The effect of cannabis on fertility in women is also uncertain. Research has shown
disturbances to hormone secretion whose effects include disruptions to the menstrual
cycle. These findings, together with those from animal experiments, suggest that cannabis
probably has a certain fertility-reducing effect which, as in the case of men, may be of
importance above all in those cases where the individual already exhibits other tendencies
towards reduced fertility (Gold, 1989).
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Her ser man klart at dette med sædkvalitet ikke er avklart, men at det da heller ikke kan avskrives helt. Det ser tilsynelatende ut til at det ikke er tvil om at menstruasjonssyklusen kan påvirkes, men at det ikke kan bevises at kvinnens fruktbarhet lider av den grunn.

Evidence that has accumulated during the last ten years indicates that the use of cannabis or THC has damaging effects on the endocrine functions of both male and female in every species. Evidence also shows that the administration of cannabis or THC to laboratory animals influences their developmental processes. In reviewing the effects of cannabinoids on the neuroendocrine and reproductive functions, H. Rosenkrantz of Mason Research Institute, United States, indicated that despite disagreements between and within human and animal studies, there was definitive evidence to prove the aberrations of sexual behaviour, hormone imbalances, cycle derangements, inhibition of ovulation, interference with spermatogenesis including embryotoxicity, weak teratogen signs, delayed post-natal development and chromosomal anomalies ( [ 2] , p. 51).
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Igjen ser forskerene ut til å kunne slå fast med sikkerhet at menstruasjonssyklusen blir påvirket av THC.

Om du ikke stoler på øvrigheten, kan kanskje anekdotisk bevis fra stonere være mer overbevisende:
Hiya, I have a view on this question as someone who has smoked at least 3 spliffs per day for the last 15 years.

I always have a period but my cycles are long and I never know when they are going to come on, not like some gals who know the exact day.

Hubby smokes the same if not more than I do. We have been trying for a baby for 18 months now unsuccessfully and tests have revealed that we both have minor fertility problems which delay our chances. Mine is related to the hormones that trigger ovulation.

Since we started I have paid a lot more attention to my monthly cycles than I ever did, and have to confirm in my personal experience, smoking pot makes a difference. I have found that on the months when I have tried to smoke less or not smoke for a few days it has made my cycles more erratic and harder to predict.

I have reviewed scientic journals on these subjects in a bid to get more info as I also disregard much of what is on health websites. I wanted to see actual studies and experiments. What I discovered was that regular consistent use is seen to keep things quite regular. Occasional use is what seems to cause the problems. This seems to tie in with my personal findings when looking at my own cycle.

Just to add the male perspective smoking 3 spliffs a day for 15 years has not reduced my hubbys sperm count, or affected their motility. he has a very minor increase in the number of abnormally shaped sperm, which just means things will happen slower for us.
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Jeg stiller meg spørrende til hvorfor alle tidligere i tråden så enkelt har kunnet avskrive cannbis som en faktor i trådstarters manglende menstruasjon.

Nå er det for all del mange andre ting som kan spille inn, så rådet om å ta dette opp med en lege bør vel definitivt bli stående...