Tråd: Oljekrisen
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... Vindmøller er faktisk helt "rene" etter ca 3 mnd i produktiv gange...
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According to author Paul Driessen, it would take all of California's 13,000 wind turbines to generate as much electricity as a single 555-megawatt natural gas fired power plant.
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To replace the amount of energy produced by a single offshore drilling platform that pumps only 12,000 barrels of oil per day we would need to build 706 Vesta "V82" wind turbines.
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Unlike an oil pump, which can pump all day and all night under most weather conditions, or coal fired/natural gas fired power plants which can also operate 24/7, wind turbines and solar cells
only produce energy at certain times or under certain conditions.
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Consequently, in order to produce energy during times when the wind is no blowing or the sun is not shining, large scale solar/wind farms must be backed up by things like . . . oil pumps or natural gas/coal fired powered plants.
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In 2003, the US consumed 98 quadrillion BTU's of energy. A whopping .171 quadrillion came from solar and wind combined. Do the math (.171/98) and you will see that a total of less then one-sixth of one percent of our energy appetite was satisfied with solar and wind combined.
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Sitat av vidder
Jeg tror det vil ta mange år før all verdens olje er brukt opp, enda. Da man gjorde estimater for mange år siden om at oljen kom til å ta slutt, tok man ikke høyde for at man kunne oppdage nye måter å fremstille olje på underveis. Man kan altså nå hente olje på steder det for ti år siden var umulig å finne noe.
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Jeg ba deg lese artikkelen. Den forklarer bedre at det er ikke snakk om at oljen skal ta slutt. Vi trenger bare bruke opp den lett tilgjengelige oljen. Når den lett tilgjengelige oljen er brukt opp, vil prisen gå opp så fort at økonomien vil kræsje. Ved korte nedganger i oljeproduksjon går bensinprisen opp:
For instance, during the 1970s oil shocks, shortfalls in production as small as 5% caused the price of oil to nearly quadruple.
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Men ved en permanent nedgang vil ALT gå opp:

Because petrochemicals are key components to much more than just the gas in your car. As geologist Dale Allen Pfeiffer points out in his article entitled, "Eating Fossil Fuels," approximately 10 calories of fossil fuels are required to produce every 1 calorie of food eaten in the US.
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The production of one gram of microchips consumes 630 grams of fossil fuels. According to the American Chemical Society, the construction of single 32 megabyte DRAM chip requires 3.5 pounds of fossil fuels in addition to 70.5 pounds of water.
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The construction of the average desktop computer consumes ten times its weight in fossil fuels.
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En internasjonal inflasjon med andre ord..