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Noe som er blitt oppdaget i "senere" tid, kalt Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome kan være årsaken. Kan det være noe?
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Det har blitt forsket veldig lite på akkurat dette området og alle symptomene som blir nevnt kan komme av helt andre ting en cannabis.
CHS er også blitt kalt fake news ettersom det enda ikke finnes noe direkte bevis som linker cannabis med CHS.

Større sjanse for at det er kjemikaliene som blir brukt (som ikke blir flushet ordentlig) og ikke selve cannabisen som blir røyket.
Det er en liten mulighet for at cannabis er årsaken, men som nevnt så er det ikke blitt forsket nok på området til at de vet noe om det.
Alt de har gjort til nå er å gripe etter strå og spre frykt i media.

News of Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome has been circulating widely in the past few weeks, a new target for all of those mainstream media reporters who are addicted to prohibition fearmongering. However there seems to be very little scientific evidence for the affliction or its alleged epidemic rise.

What there does seem to be is a convincingly strong correlation between cannabis use and violent stomach sickness. However this does not mean that cannabis is causing the illness, and in fact there is a much more likely candidate for that role.

When you think of pot-growers you might think of the all-natural farmer, but the truth is that many growers are pouring lots of chemicals into their plants. They do this to promote greater yield in a shorter time while getting rid of destructive insects and molds, as well as for many other reasons.

On top of that, not all growers are properly flushing the chemicals from their plants with water before harvest, so much of the marijuana grown indoors during the past few decades of modern growing techniques is full of all kinds of compounds that will definitely make you sick.

This would also explain why the CHS attacks happen infrequently, which could either be
a) because a chemical threshold was reached, or…
b) because the tokers most recent bud purchase(s) were even more loaded than usual with toxic grow chemicals.

It may be that cannabis is actually the cause, but until there is sufficient research that eliminates all other possible factors, it is too early to say for certain. Yet that is what many are already doing. Which could derail research and fail to get to the bottom of what appears to be a pretty excruciating condition. All that this premature reporting does is create unwarranted alarm and endanger patients.
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