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Før dette har han jobbet som klinisk psykolog og lærer, og har studert ekstremt mye historie og filosofi.
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At han har studert ekstremt mye filosofi virker for meg ekstremt rart når han kan så forferdelig lite om filosofiens historie.

Utdrag fra en video med Peterson
want to talk about postmodernism a little bit. That’s Michel Foucault in the middle [of the PowerPoint screen] and a more reprehensible individual you could hardly ever discover or even dream up no matter how twisted your imagination. Foucault and Derrida I would say — there’s more — but I would say they’re the two architects of the postmodernist movement. In brief, I think what they did was in the late 60s and early 70s they were avowed Marxists way, way after anyone with any shred of ethical decency had stopped being a Marxist. …[various ad homs] … Foucault in particular, who never fit in anywhere and who was an outcast in many ways and a bitter one and a suicidal one his entire life, did everything he possibly could with his staggering IQ to figure out every treacherous way possible to undermine the structure that wouldn’t accept him in all his peculiarity. And it’s no wonder, because there would be no way of making a structure that could possibly function if it was composed of people as peculiar, bitter, and resentful as Michel Foucault. …
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Motsvar på påstanden
The idea that postmodernism is simply Marxism by another name would surely surprise many on the Left who regard the two as inimical to one another. Postmodernism largely emerged as a reaction against the thoroughly modernist narrative underpinning Marxist theory. It is an aesthetic and philosophical rejection of the “grand narrative” claims of individuals like Marx, who believed that there was a “science of history” which could be discerned by acute dialectical materialists. Post-modernists in the vein of Foucault and Derrida problematize the idea that one can develop such objective “sciences;” inadvertently aligning themselves with a long undercurrent of skeptics in Western thought which can be traced back to the Sophists of Ancient Athens. While Marx was certainly an influence on postmodern thinking, as he was an influence on economists, writers, and sociologists, Marxism is in no way a direct precursor to postmodernism. If anything, many Marxists are damningly critical of postmodernism in all its variants.
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Det er ingen anerkjente filosofer som er enig med han, og han baserer i stor grad filosofien sin på boken "explaining postmodernism" Stephen Hicks. Hvor Hicks blant annet påstår at Kant var en anti-opplysningsfilosof, ettersom Kant ifølge han konkluderte med at objektivitet må forlates. Noe som er svært rart å påstå da hele Kant sitt epistemologiske prosjekt var å fundere objektiv kunnskap i møte med skeptisisme. Den inneholder også flere kildehenvisninger hvor han har endret sitatet eller at sitatet ikke finnes der i det hele tatt.