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According to Jung there are two mutually exclusive attitudes – extraversion and introversion.

“Each person seems to be energized more by either the external world (extraversion) or the internal world (introversion).”

The introvert is more comfortable with the inner world of thoughts and feelings, so they will see the world in terms of how it affects them. While the extrovert feels more at home with the world of objects and other people, and is more concerned with their impact upon the world.

Introverts are more comfortable living alone and being by themselves. They depend on their “me time” to recharge; they become immersed in their inner world and run the risk of losing touch with their surroundings or their outer world."

En introvert lader altså batteriene med alenetid. Dette er den konvensjonelle forståelsen av begrepet som jeg selv kan underskrive på. Hvorvidt Jung sa det på den måten, vet jeg ikke. Ungeskrål hele tiden hindrer at jeg får ladet batteriene.

Jeg er egoistisk nok til å si at mine behov har forrang fremfor andres. Innen visse grenser, selvsagt, men jeg har en forpliktelse i å ta vare på meg selv.