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Du har tatt opp Hessdalen flere ganger og hvis du leser de faktiske forskningsrapportene og ikke fra gamle nettsider så vil du få et annet bilde.

Dette er hentet fra To Investigate or Not to Investigate? Researchers' Views on Unexplored Atmospheric Light Phenomena
Historically, HL have received very little attention from the academic community and only a handful of researchers have managed to identify the necessary resources to study the atmospheric “anomaly” and communicate their findings in academic journals. One of the reasons has been the misleading association of HL with the controversial “unidentified flying object” (UFO) phenomena, an association that has nevertheless been disproven by the referred-to frequent, rigorous observation of the phenomena. In the 80’s, HL were defined as “UFOs” and were rejected by most scientists. Thanks to the scientific method and the pioneering work of Erling P. Strand, the atmospheric light anomaly observed in the valley of Hessalen in Norway is now slowly gaining the attention of the scientific community and the respect of academic journals
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Så igjen, hvis du leser forskningen så ser du at Hessdalen enten forklares med billys teorien(flere rapporter om det) eller at det er på grunn av en eller annen elektromagnetisk/biokjemisk reaksjon som skjer. Hessdalen er spennende i seg selv, men dessverre er det nok ikke aliens.

Cosmic Radiation as the Source of the Hessdalen Light

Optical luminosity of the transient luminous phenomena in Hessdalen, Norway
Sist endret av dinosauren; 9. mars 2018 kl. 11:31.