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Selv om du er "vant med høye doser" så betyr det ikke at du bare skal kjøre i deg en superdose.
En sterk dose 2CB ligger på rundt 25-50 mg, hvor 50 er en ganske så ekstrem dose.
Du tenker da å kjøre på med 270mg, altså 200mg mer en anbefalt for hva som faktisk er en høy dose.

Lykke til sier jeg bare, du kommer til å trenge det.

The following are possible psychoactive effects of 2C-B based on the amount taken:

Low dose: This is sometimes called a “threshold dose” (around 4 mg). Users are likely to feel relaxed, passive, mellow, and happy; experience increased sexual arousal; be “in touch” with themselves; and have heightened senses.
Medium dose: This is sometimes called an “intoxicating dose” (8-10 mg). Users may become fully intoxicated. The drug works as a stimulant, causing a burst of energy, focus, and excitement.
High dose: This is generally a dose that is 20-40 mg. Users may experience hallucinations that are similar to those associated with LSD, including distorted sensory perception, “trailing” effect on lights and moving objects, and synesthesia, which is the blending of senses, such as “hearing” colors and “seeing” sounds.
Very high dose: This dose may be potentially fatal at more than 50 mg. Delusions, paranoia, agitation, intense fear, and vivid negative hallucinations may occur.
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Sist endret av Soletti; 4. juni 2018 kl. 03:09. Grunn: Automatisk sammenslåing med etterfølgende innlegg.