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Hæ? Hva feiler deg kompis? Det er flere studier som beviser moderne menn har som regel lavt testosteron. Han sier han vil ikke være en soyagutt og lurer på om han må rette på verdiene.

"A study on a large sample of American men found that the average testosterone level has been dropping by as much as 1 percent per year. Testosterone levels lower naturally with age, but this study found that a 65-year-old man in 1987 had about 17 percent more testosterone than a 65- year-old man in 2004. This wasn't just limited to Americans either; a Danish study found similar results.

In addition, research on Native American tribes found that higher levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs; a component in industrial coolants, as a plasticizer, and in many other applications) in the males' systems was associated with lower testosterone counts. We've known that PCBs are toxic for years, but the chemical lasts for a very long time. Other chemicals, like bisphenol A (BPA; a plastic) and triclosan (an antibacterial agent) have been shown to disrupt the human hormone system, either by mimicking estrogen or blocking the activity of testosterone. Once chemicals such as these get into the environment and enter the food chain, they are very difficult to remove."

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En annen viktig grunn til lavere testonivåer er overvekt. Mye fettvev kan og bidra til høyere nivåer av ulike østrogener. Gjennomsnittlig BMI har økt mye de siste tiårene, dårlig kosthold og lite søvn bidrar og. En testobooster vil kun funke om du har mangel på de aktuelle mineralene/vitaminene, eks sink.