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Jeg fant en liten tråd på reddit om dette og det høres litt sketchy ut.

Hentet fra tråden.

"From what I've heard taking LSD and NBOMe can be a very dangerous combination as it can cause major vasoconstriction. Granted, I've never tried this but a lot of trip reports have turned me off from doing it. However, I did have an amazing trip using shrooms and NBOMe together."
vet ikke hva vasoconstriction er for noe, men han advarer vertfall mot det og det er farlig?

Så har du denne, høres jo vell og bra ut, men igjen en veldig høy dose.
"1400µ 25i with ~400µg LSD. Probably the most intense trip of my life. DMT visuals, intense body load, etc. The peak lasted 4+ hours too.
Not saying this combination is for everyone but if you're a reasonably experienced person with psychedelics and can handle your shit, this is one of the best combinations i've ever tried. I asked on reddit beforehand (can't find thread now) and every one of the 25+ replies i got were along the lines of "you're in for a fucking good time". and it was a fucking good time.
Use at your own caution and dose yourself, don't just eat a mouthful of hallucinogens and think you can handle what's coming. Prepare to trip balls"