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Sitat av ronny23 Vis innlegg
Spekulering og mest sannsynlig bare piss. Folk har selvironi/humor uansett etnisitet/farge på huden. Kan folk vær så snill å slutte å late som de blir krenket.

Til TS: hun dama har "jeg har blitt krenka på andres vegne komplekser"
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Definisjonen av ironi:

Ironi er det å (i hånende eller spøkefull hensikt) uttrykke noe man ikke mener, eller noe som er det motsatte av det man mener, slik at den egentlige mening skinner igjennom, for eksempel ved tonefall, ansiktsuttrykk eller lignende, eller fremgår av situasjonen og sammenhengen.
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Det er ingen ironi at folk er redde for svartinger i Norge. Det er svart humor:

White flight in Norway has increased since the 1970s, with the immigration of non-Scandinavians from (in numerical order, starting with the largest): Poland, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, Vietnam, Iran, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, the former Yugoslavia, Thailand, Afghanistan, and Lithuania. By June 2009, more than 40% of Oslo schools had an immigrant majority, with some schools having a 97% immigrant share.[53][unreliable source?] Schools in Oslo are increasingly divided by ethnicity.[54][55] For instance, in the Groruddalen (Grorud valley), four boroughs which currently have a population of around 165,000 saw the ethnic Norwegian population decrease by 1,500 in 2008, while the immigrant population increased by 1,600.[56] In thirteen years, a total of 18,000 ethnic Norwegians have moved from the borough.[57]

In January 2010, a news feature from Dagsrevyen on the public Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation said, "Oslo has become a racially divided city. In some city districts the racial segregation starts already in kindergarten." Reporters said, "In the last years the brown schools have become browner, and the white schools whiter," a statement which caused a minor controversy.[57][58]
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Sist endret av dåven; 15. desember 2022 kl. 08:45.