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Jeg har ikke satt meg veldig inn i det, men wikipedia hadde en god oppsummering med kilder.
Air interface encryption
To provide confidentiality the TETRA air interface is encrypted using one of the TETRA Encryption Algorithm (TEA) ciphers. The encryption provides confidentiality (protect against eavesdropping) as well as protection of signalling.

Currently 4 different ciphers are defined. These TEA ciphers should not be confused with the block cipher Tiny Encryption Algorithm. The TEA ciphers have different availability due to export and use restrictions. Few details are published concerning these proprietary ciphers. Riess[45] mentions in early TETRA design documents that encryption should be done with a stream cipher, due to the property of not propagating transmission errors. Parkinson[46] later confirms this and explains that TEA is a stream cipher with 80-bit keys. TEA1 and TEA4 provide basic level security, and are meant for commercial use.[47] The TEA2 cipher is restricted to European public safety organisations. The TEA3 cipher is for situations where TEA2 is suitable but not available.[48]
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For all del, det er sikkert mer enn bra nok til å gjøre det komplett umulig for oss normale dødelige å avlytte de. Men likevel... Hvorfor nøye seg med nøkler på 80 bit når man trivielt kan bruke mye mer? Og ulike nivåer av sikkerhet, der kommersielle aktører ikke får tilgang på høyere nivåer? Proprietære kryptoalgoritmer og fuckings security by obscurity?

NSA ringte og sa de ville ha 80-tallet tilbake!