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Har brukt denne oppskriften her noen ganger, og mener det har hjulpet. Vet ikke om jeg tør å prøve å forklare hvorfor... Acetat er ihvertfall det kroppen omdanner acetaldehyd (omdannet fra alkohol) til, så om det er det kroppen savner så kan det jo dempe suget. Koster null og niks å gi det et forsøk ihvertfall.

*never mix in a sealed container, reaction is
volatile and will burst container.
1 tsp baking soda
3 tablespoons vinegar (plus more if needed)
Place baking soda in an open cup or bowl, slowly adding vinegar until foaming stops. Once reaction slows add small amounts of vinegar until all sodium bicarbonate has disappeared or fizzing ceases (swirl or agitate the solution to react all bicarbonate). Dilute this remaining solution with water, orange juice, or milk, and divide into two or three doses separated by at least an hour when starting sodium acetate. Adding too much vinegar makes it taste acrid, too much bicarbonate makes it salty, balancing the two is key to a mild taste and may take practice. The benefit of this comes from repetition, and excess can be unhelpful or cause sodium overdose, so please don’t do that. It is also best used after or with a meal. Some conditions like Crohn's disease are believed to be an excess of acetate so please consult with a doctor before using sodium acetate.
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