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Alain Juillet, tidligere fransk etterretningssjef, sier at Frankrike har blitt manipulert til å støtte opprørere som egentlig er Al Qaida tilhengere :

"Juillet also blamed the government for being manipulated into helping “people, supposedly rebels, who are in fact Al-Qaeda affiliates backed by the Gulf countries.” He complained that the “advice of the intelligence services is ignored,” which is “a serious mistake.” "

Fjernsynskanalen PBS har en dokumentar om krigen i Jemen ( linket til i artikkelen under her) der samspillet med Al Qaida blir indirekte nevnt :

"He revealed what is considered an open secret in the front lines, that they [AQAP] had been fighting with all the different factions, the [pro-Saudi] Yemeni factions and the [U.S.-Saudi] coalition against the Houthis.”

USA skal være i krig med Al Qaida, men :

"At the same time, though, the U.S. provides military backing for forces led by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and other Persian Gulf petro-states that welcome AQAP fighters into their ranks as full and active participants in the anti-Houthi crusade."