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"NY Times admits US arms Al Qaeda."

Her er det New York Times skriver :

“In a second day of a coordinated air and ground assaults in Syria, Russian warplanes, Syrian troops and their militia allies attacked insurgents on Thursday (October 8)...the groups are led by an Islamist coalition called Army of Conquest. That group includes Al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate…

"Insurgents in the Ghab Plain also include relatively secular groups who consider themselves part of the loose-knit Free Syrian Army, including some elements covertly equipped by the C.I.A. with advanced antitank missiles that have aided the recent Army of Conquest advances." "

Det virker som de sier rett ut at gruppene som USA har gitt avanserte antitank-raketter til, kjemper side om side med Al Qaida.

Nå sier USAs forsvarsminister at Russland vil få betale prisen ( for sine angrep mot opprørere ) :

"Moscow will soon start paying the price for its escalating military intervention in Syria in the form of reprisal attacks and casualties, the US defence secretary has warned, amid signs that Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies are preparing to counter the Russian move."


Det høres jo ut som han sier : Russland skal blø. For våre allierte der nede, som støtter Al Qaida direkte, kommer til å trappe opp støtten. Og vi, som støtter Al Qaida indirekte, skal gjøre det samme. Så Russland skal få blø.