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z0p: Jeg synes ikke avhengihet av MDMA kan sammenlignes med avhengighet av alkohol. Er man avhengig av alkohol er det gjerne fordi man vil rømme fra virkeligheten, mens MDMA kan gjøre at man blir konfrontert med virkeligheten, reflekterer over seg selv etc. Men nå tenker jeg egentlig ganske høyt forbruk. Jeg ville ikke klasifisert drikking/MDMA-bruk hver helg som avhengig. Jeg føler det er et valg.. men det kan diskuteres.

Angående alkohol så har jeg kanksje overdrevet litt. Men siterer igjen
Can greatly increase the degree of intoxication while making the user less aware of it. Large amounts of alcohol mixed with MDMA can produce bizarre behavior with no memory of it the next day. Mixing stimulants and depressants can allow the user to unwittingly take dangerously large amounts of either since they counteract each other's effects. There have been some unexplained deaths involving mixing alcohol and MDMA. Most people that end up in the emergency room after using MDMA were mixing it with alcohol.
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Many people enjoy the combination, but if you chose to use alcohol with MDMA, do so with moderation. Getting stinking drunk then dropping a few pills is a sign of world-class stupidity in my opinion and the gods of natural selection may punish you for it. Sedatives can be useful to 'take the edge off' after coming down off MDMA.
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naiSt: wtf? Du vil heller ta gift enn noe som ved alle rasjonelle målestokker er ufarlig?

Forresten. Et veldig bra sitat fra Ecstasy rising jeg nettopp kom på:
"I've never heard anyone say to me 'Methamphetamine improved my life. I'm a better person for having used Methamphetamine.' Same thing with Cocaine. I know people who like to use Cocaine. Never heard anyone try to claim 'Cocain is good for me'. MDMA - lots of people think the drug improved their life, and continue to think that after they've stoped using it. That's what's astonishing."
Sist endret av Skyfex; 29. mai 2007 kl. 00:12.