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Takker. Jeg trodde det var noe han sa på radio, men det kan være jeg leste feil, eventuelt min kilde var feil. Tror ialefall utsagnet jeg fant i den linken var det jeg først leste.

Her er det iallefall:

"I also want to mention a very difficult subject before you here, completely openly.
It should be discussed amongst us, and yet, nevertheless, we will never speak about it in public.

Just as we did not hesitate on June 30 to carry out our duty, as ordered, and stand comrades who had failed against the wall and shoot them.

About which we have never spoken, and never will speak.

That was, thank God, a kind of tact natural to us, a foregone conclusion of that tact, that we have never conversed about it amongst ourselves, never spoken about it, everyone shuddered, and everyone was clear that the next time, he would do the same thing again, if it were commanded and necessary.

I am talking about the "Jewish evacuation": the extermination of the Jewish people." (min uthevelse)
Sist endret av Kinseek; 3. desember 2005 kl. 15:28.