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Opening spotify URIs from browsers

This has been tested and works with Firefox (iceweasel), Epiphany and Opera 9.5.

To be abe to open spotify URIs you first need a simple script:


echo '#!/bin/sh' > ~/.browser2spotify
echo 'exec wine "C:\Program Files\Spotify\spotify.exe" /uri "$@"' >> ~/.browser2spotify
chmod 755 ~/.browser2spotify
(Change the path to the spotify executable if necessary)


In Epiphany enter the following in the URI field:


Right click and select New > Boolean and name it network.protocol-handler.external.spotify and set it to True

Right click and select New > String and name it and set the name to ~/.browser2spotify


In the menu, open Tools/Preferences. Pick the advanced tab and then the programs tab. Click “add” and choose “spotify” as protocol and select the .browser2spotify program as the handler program. Note that the file selection dialogue does not list files starting with a dot, so it’s easiest to write the full path manually.

Jeg har opprettet scriptet og fulgt Firefox-guiden. Første gangen jeg prøvde fikk jeg opp et spørsmål om jeg ville bruke scriptet (husker desverre ikke nøyaktig), jeg trykte selvfølgelig "Ja", men ingenting skjedde. I ettertid skjer det ingenting.

Pathen og chmod er korrekt.

OS: Debian Lenny 64 bit
Nettleser: Iceweasel 3.0.3

Noen som har tips til hva jeg kan gjøre for å fikse dette?