Tråd: Meth
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Sitat av Shanti000 Vis innlegg
Kjenner ingen som bruker meth, det jeg skal fram til er hvorfor meth er skit vist man ikke misbruker det
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Det er skit fordi det ikke kan brukes uten å ta skade av det...
Du skal i det minste vite hva du har med å gjøre og det hører ihvertfall ikke hjemme i produkter som selges som kokain eller vanlig amfetamin uten at den som kjøper det vet det.

Unlike amphetamine, methamphetamine is directly neurotoxic to dopamine neurons. Moreover, methamphetamine abuse is associated with an increased risk of Parkinson's disease due to excessive pre-synaptic dopamine autoxidation, a mechanism of neurotoxicity. Similar to the neurotoxic effects on the dopamine system, methamphetamine can also result in neurotoxicity to serotonin neurons. It has been demonstrated that a high core temperature is correlated with an increase in the neurotoxic effects of methamphetamine. As a result of methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity to dopamine neurons, chronic use may also lead to post acute withdrawals which persist beyond the withdrawal period for months, and even up to a year.
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Sist endret av Alge; 21. august 2019 kl. 20:55.