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Øvelser hvor du bruker mange muskler og særlig kjernemuskelatur er alltids bra.
Knebøy, markløft og farmers walk f.eks. Ellers er jo svømming(crawling) veldig bra trening, som også har den fordelen at det også trimmer hjernen litt da man kommer inn i flow ved den rytmiske bevegelsen fra høyre til venstre med hodet og innpust under armhulen, ned i vannet og snu andre veien etc. Kan bli ganske meditativt. Mener det er noen studier på at det er bra for balanse av venstre/høyre hjernehalvdel. Legger ved litt ekstra her som du kan kikke på
Lat Hang -
This is great for alleviating the tight lats, pecs, and upper back that result from our typical texting or desk posture. It opens up the shoulder girdle prior to upper-body pushing or pulling movements.

Place a box or bench below a pullup bar. Step onto the box so your feet are shoulder-width apart and slightly in front of you. Keeping your feet on the bench, grasp the bar and let your torso hang so you feel the stretch in your armpits and across your chest. Tuck your pelvis under, inhale through your nose, and slowly exhale through pursed lips. Your ribs should feel like they are moving down as you exhale. Pause 3 seconds, then repeat. Do 2 sets of 6 breaths.

Modified All-Fours Belly Lift -

This exercise helps "pop out the dent" that Oetter says is typical in a flattened upper back while also activating your core muscles and key upper-body stabilizers for shoulder health. Come to all fours and round your spine by arching your back upward and tucking your butt under you. Shift your body weight forward so your nose is over your fingertips. (You should feel your outer abdominals.) From this position, raise your left hand off the floor a few inches without twisting your trunk. (You should feel your right abdominal wall engage.) Hold for 6 deep breaths, focusing on trying to breathe into and stretch your upper back. Lower your left hand and repeat, lifting your right hand off the floor. Do 2 sets of 6 breaths per side.

Groiner With Overhead Reach -

This combines many of our targets (hip mobility, ribcage rotation, shoulder mobility, etc.) into a single ground-based movement. Get in a pushup position. Step your right foot outside your right hand. Drop your left knee down to the ground so you feel a stretch in the front of your left hip. Press your left hand into the ground and reach your right arm toward the sky, rotating through your upper back to open your chest and following your hand with your eyes. Place your right hand back on the ground and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Do 6 reps per side.

All-Fours Belly Lift Walk -

This movement helps solidify a healthy arms-overhead position while also adding some inhibitory work for the hamstrings and calves. Come to all fours and round your back. Lift your knees and straighten your legs. Contract your abdominal muscles as you bend your knees and “walk” your feet closer to your hands, taking small steps. (Your hands should not move.) Maintaining the contraction of your abdominals in this position with your back rounded and your heels driving toward the ground, hold the position for 6 deep breaths. During this exercise, “reach” into the ground to activate the shoulder stabilizers.

Shoulders-Elevated Single-Leg Hip Thrust -

This move will active your glutes and hamstrings while simultaneously inhibiting overactive hip flexors. Lie with your upper back resting on a bench and your feet flat on the floor in front of you. Lift your left foot off the ground, then raise your hips until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. At the top of the rep your left thigh should be perpendicular to the floor. Hold for a count and then slowly return to the starting position. Don’t let your left foot touch the ground between reps. Do 8 reps per side.

Follow it all up with some dynamic, movement-specific activities tailored to your workout—like multi-planar lunges, squats, deadlifts, and pushups—and you're good to go, Oetter says.
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Sist endret av Revbatim; 27. mars 2020 kl. 22:40.