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Jeg må bare dele denne siden her med noen. Snublet over den og holy fuck sier jeg bare. Leser på Play things of the Gods nå og jeg er helt sjokkert, men samtidig så gir det så jævlig mye mening!

Linker ser shady ut men den er ikke det, er bare masse bøker som ligger der og jeg trenger så sårt at noen andre kan lese og dele sine meninger.
Filosofiske bøker!
Hva faen skal man egt gjøre med all denne informasjonen? Får meg til å føle meg enda mer malplassert i denne verden enn jeg allerede er men det er så sykt rått!

Today's young people have no trouble at all accepting a world filled with technology such as communications satellites and instant communication from anywhere to anywhere with a tiny cell phone. However, all of this stuff is very very recent history. If you look back in history, does it not strike you as strange that the people of Earth went from riding horses and reading by candles or kerosene lanterns to our current world of going on trips to the moon and being surrounded by every conceivable type of electronic gadget in less than one generation?

From the perspective of history, this is very strange. Look at the length of time other evolutionary learning processes took. Nothing like this has ever happened before. So, common sense should tell you that there is a missing part to this story - something that would explain this unprecedented jump in technical evolution.


In the early 1940's, a decision was made to "take a chance" with the people of Earth and to provide them with certain "seed knowledge" that they could use to raise their developmental level to a point where they would become an entrance level advanced civilization and be able to interact with other advanced civilizations from other parts of the physical universe. Essentially every technology we enjoy today was derived in some way from this seed knowledge

So, representatives came to Earth to deliver the seed knowledge and discuss the potential and future evolution of the people of the Earth.«
Sist endret av vannflaska; 24. juli 2021 kl. 00:57. Grunn: Automatisk sammenslåing med etterfølgende innlegg.