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Very Important Pyrotechnician
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Grei oppskrift, men den manglet en del på sikkerhet bla at AP skal aldri fraktes/lagres/oppbevares i en beholder av glass, metall, PVC etc. Glass og PVC lager forferdelige splinter imens metall kan reagerer med AP og danne nye peroksider som er vanvittig ustabile samt splintfare.

Her er noen holdepunkter:

Acetone peroxide (AP) is used by amateurs as a primary explosive (detonator) and never used as main filler explosive, because of its sensitivity. Extreme sensitivity is one of its drawbacks, be afraid of it. AP will easily decompose with explosion in contact with fire, heat or if punched. When ignited in small amounts, without confinement, it creates a large fireball. If it's confined or if large amounts are used (approx. >3 g), it decomposes with a cracking boom, without any flame. Even few grams are capable of taking your life if handled wrongly.
Also, AP says to be toxic.

Remember, never store AP for more than one week. Never store it in a container with closed lid. Since product sublimes/evaporates even at room temp, it will recrystallize on walls and lid of your container. Some may also come into the threading of the lid, this may easily lead to a detonation when you open the lid (because of friction in the threading).
Store AP in good ventilated area. You can also store it relatively safe under water. Never store it above room temperature. Keep it away from direct contact with metals, sun and pets Use plastic cup to transfer it at short distances, never use containers for transportation that are made of glass or other material that can create splinters at accidental detonation. Theese can be easily thrown several hundred meters away.
While handling/transporting AP, keep it atleast 10 cm from your bodyparts. Even 4 g AP can crush bones.
Be careful not to breathe in AP dust or decomposition fumes, try to avoid direct skin contact too. Never let it lay around in same room you are for long periods of time, because, as I said earlier, AP evaporates.
Make sure to use your product within few days after producing it.
Use electrical ignition for detonation. At detonation site, near AP, avoid having high density materials that can create splinters (glass, metal, rocks etc).
Once again, be very careful, and it's recommended to never make amounts bigger than 10 g.