Tråd: Gazastripen
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Debka meldte nylig at Israel, Egypt og Saudi-Arabia har et litt tettere samarbeid om Gaza enn de går offentlig ut med.

According to DEBKA the three-way cooperation has set up the following guidelines for the operation in Gaza:

1. Israel and the IDF will fight to smash Hamas' military might and downgrade its political influence.
2. The military operation will come to a close only when all its objectives are achieved.
3. The three leaders will not permit any outside party, including the US, to interfere in their direction of the war.
4. The oil-rich Saudi kingdom will cover a portion of the war costs incurred by Israel.
5. When the war is over, Saudi Arabia and some of the Gulf emirates, led by the UAE and Kuwait, will pay for repairing the damage caused by the fighting in the Gaza Strip.
6. Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel are of the same mind about the absolute necessity to dismantle Hamas' military strength, including its arsenal of rockets and network of assault bunkers.
7. Once the IDF has destroyed Hamas as a terrorist power, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority will get down to installing a new government and security mechanisms in Gaza City to fill the void left by Hamas' defeat.
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Sist endret av Ezukiel; 26. juli 2014 kl. 05:50.