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Her har du noen forskjellige artikler som omhandler lite trening samt en artikkel som nevner caset hvor noen demonstranter ble arrestert og umiddelbart tatt inn i mobiliseringen.

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A half-dozen Russian soldiers talk about being shipped to an area of intense fighting in eastern Ukraine just 11 days after their mobilization. Asked about his shooting practice, a bearded conscript says, “Once. Three magazines.”
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Her er 2 artikler som bruker samme videoen som kilde, som du selv kan se her
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“Mobilized Russians are immediately taken to the front—without any preparation,” human rights group Perviy Otdel warned in a Telegram post. “We were officially told there would be no training before we are sent to the war zone,” one mobilized Russian said in a video shared by Perviy Otdel.
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“We were officially told there would be no training before we are sent to the war zone,” a newly mobilized Russian soldier says in a short video posted by legal rights group Perviy Otdel.

“On Sept. 29 we will be sent to Kherson,” adds the new recruit, dressed in a Russian military uniform. “The regiment’s commanders confirmed it.”
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Russia’s outlook, on the other hand, is increasingly grim. Putin’s mobilization of just about anybody caught in the military’s dragnet, combined with viral reports of minimal training, has created a panic among Russians.
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Following the speech, at least 1,300 people were detained across Russia on Wednesday for participating in nationwide anti-war protests – with some directly conscripted into the military, according to a monitoring group, after leader Vladimir Putin announced a “partial mobilization” of citizens for his faltering invasion of Ukraine.
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