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Trigonoceps occipita
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Sitat av supercali Vis innlegg
Jeg fant den linken svært lite opplysende, TS sitt konsept er mye nærmere det som er beskrevet av Arthur C. Clarke i
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Ringworld gjekk i bane rundt ei stjerne. Prinsippet er identisk - og det er ustabilt. tar for seg grunnlaget for at det er ustabilt:

Now let's see why this doesn't apply to rings. Again we have the same kind of situation, with an off-center test particle (again, because the centered case is trivial) and a double-cone, although now since we're effectively dealing in two dimensions, it's more like two sectors of a circle. Now the area intersected by each sector is only proportional to r, while gravity is still proportional to 1/r2. Now you get a situation where the gravitational attraction of each portion is not independent of distance; it varies as 1/r. That is, the closer side will attract you more strongly than the further side. Put a test particle off-center in the ring, and it will crash itself against the ring. Because of Newton's third law, put an object more massive than the ring itself off-center in there and the ring will smash itself against it.
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