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Sitat av Hjelm1 Vis innlegg
Nice! Vennen min spiller også musikk...fra NRK klassisk. For det meste. Med innslag av rock. Det er ikke noe nytt dette med musikk og planter, men morsomt å se at flere bruker det

Ifølge studier var visst rap minst populære genre hos plantene.
Klassisk og heavy metal var på topp
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Det er sikkert forskjellige studier på det, men leste en utfyllende her om dagen. Finner ikke igjen den eksakte artikkelen jeg leste, men her er noen av tingene som sto der - her tatt fra et par forskjellige kilder.

The same year that The Secret Life of Plants was published, researcher Dorothy Retallack of Colorado’s Women’s College amalgamated her research on plants and music into her book: The Sound of Music and Plants. She conducted experiments where she exposed plants to an extended F note and found that they were much healthier than the control group.

She then experimented with different types of music, including classical, jazz, and rock. Plants exposed to the more soothing classical and jazz music grew towards the speaker and even entwined themselves around it. Plants exposed to “discordant” rock music, on the other hand, grew away from the speakers and showed signs similar to overwatering.

So maybe plants are just really big fans of Bach and Louie Armstrong.
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When specific music, high tones or bird song cause the plant to vibrate, but not at the exact frequency for calcium resonance, the stomata will open after a lapse of time, even though the plant would keep them closed under normal circumstances. Tests have shown that a precise leaf fertiliser, tuned to the plant will have more effect on the development and growth of the plant if its stomata are wide open. Which is logical, because plants absorb leaf fertiliser via their stomata. Combinations of frequency and leaf fertiliser are available for many different crops.

But there are still some catches to this method. If the stomata are forced to remain open the plant will not be able to control the amount of water lost via transpiration and so it risks dehydration. So exposing your plant to music for more than 3 hours a day could endanger its health.
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