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Cerullo said the statement came from the 2007 edition of the Drug Guide for Mental Health Professionals, a specialty edition of the widely-respected Physician's Desk Reference. It says, "Marijuana contains 50 to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco." But it offers no source and a spokesman for the publisher said the guide is too old to check the source.

We also found references to the factoid in material from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and National Institute on Drug Abuse. But none indicated who had actually done the test or where it had been published.
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Videre står det også at dette med at marijuana inneholder 50-70% mer karsinogener bare er bull og at den uttalelsen er basert på forskning gjort i 1975 og 1982 (Hvor mye forskning også er basert på krigen mot narkotika og at weed er kjempe farlig og dreper deg)

Tashkin said the most recent study, published in 2008, found that the concentrations of carcinogenic chemicals were consistently LOWER in marijuana smoke.
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Siste fakta National Institute on Drug Abuse kom med sier også
"It is not yet known whether marijuana smoking contributes to (the) risk for lung cancer."
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Dette med karsinogener kommer også helt ann på inntaksmetode.
Om du røyker så er det klart det gir større fare en om du vaper eller baker/lager mat.
Robert Melamede, a medical marijuana advocate and biologist at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, said the carcinogenic content "depends on how thoroughly it's burned" and anyone who says the level of carcinogens is much higher in marijuana "is using meaningless information to make a meaningless point. A lot of people use vaporizers, and vaporizers don't give you any burnt hydrocarbons."
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