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MDA gir en veldig trippy feeling. Jeg har kun prøvd en batch med MDA i mitt liv og som jeg husker var det en mye mer "ekstrem" eller "intens" følelse og det varte 3-4 timer. jeg har også prøvd mdma kapsler som skal være "rene" og inneholde rundt 200mg. MDA ga en mye mer intens rastløs følelse i forhold til MDMA, som gjorde att jeg stort sett bare lo på sofaen/gulvet.
jeg fikk også litt halliser ved å lukke øynene. det er lenge siden jeg sluttet med alt dette her, og kan vel si att jeg husker MDA opplevelsen enda bedre enn MDMA. MDA blir vel kanskje litt mer mot retning LSD og en mer kraftigere "versjon" av MDMA.

L's Comparison of MDA to MDMA:

The total experience is 8 hours, but the 'trip' is 4-5 hours like X. The after-effects are like being way-laid, definitely washing around in the after-swell of a full experience of an amphetamine-hallucinogen. We call MDA 'industrial electronic mushrooms' and compare the post-peak to riding the diesel-electric locomotive all the way home. Your feet vibrate for some time after you step off a huge machine like that: tingling and numb. There's no finer intoxicant, but you need careful and considerable support or the body load can turn you into a vegetable for the latter half of the experience and the day after. With X you feel all the emotional and spiritual connectivy possible (much the 'empathogen'), with MDA you see (hallucinate, visually experience) all the emotional and spiritual connectivity possible.

Gracie & Zarkov's Comparison of MDA to MDMA:

"The differences from MDM(A) are striking: MDA is more hallucinogenic with noticeable closed eye imagery, is a much greater aesthetic enhancer, especially of people and of music; is more euphoric; more "drug-like", a heavier and more obviously body-involved trip. Tactile sensation is more powerful, erotic and noticeable on MDA. Physical effects are more up-front: gastric upset, pupil dilation, water retention, limbic arousal. On the whole, we find MDA a more enjoyable and interesting trip; longer lasting and more sexual/sensual. Our favorite characteristic is that one retains an interesting psychedelic ideation on MDA, rather then the feeling-oriented, but rather idealess thinking of MDM(A).

Sist endret av cspace; 10. desember 2008 kl. 15:07.