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Sitat av Lucy In The Sky Vis innlegg
Det interessante med Jeffrey Dhamer er at hans oppvekst skiller seg ut fra mange andre seriemordere/kannibaler og så videre (han hadde en tilsynelatende normal oppvekst, og et fint hjem). Klart, hans misbruk av alkohol var nok ingen fin bonus for psyken. Men at akkurat hans tilfelle skulle bli så ekstremt er noe jeg grubler litt på.
Vis hele sitatet...
"Dahmer was born in West Allis, Wisconsin, the son of Joyce Annette (née Flint) and Lionel Herbert Dahmer, an analytical chemist.[1] Seven years later, his brother David was born.[2] Joyce Dahmer reportedly had a difficult pregnancy with her elder son. When Jeffrey was eight years old, he moved with his family to Bath, Ohio. Dahmer grew increasingly withdrawn and uncommunicative between the ages of 10 and 15, showing little interest in any hobbies or social interactions.[3] He biked around his neighborhood looking for dead animals, which he dissected at home (or in the woods near his home). In one instance, he went so far as to put a dog's head on a stake.[4] Dahmer began drinking in his teens and was an alcoholic by the time of his high school graduation.[5]"

Det er jeg ikke enig i. Jeg har alltid hatt inntrykk av Dahmer som en noe stereotypisk seriemorder hva utvikling angår.