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Sitat av BenzoKnekk Vis innlegg
At dem gikk ned 50% hos ungdom etter legalisering er fra en debatt tidligere i 2020.

At illegalt marked i Canada gikk opp, husker jeg ikke hvor jeg har lest. For å kjekke hvor mye søkte jeg opp "Did the illegal marked go up after legalizing cannabis in Canada?" På Google. Og det sto 40%
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Dude, du må gjøre litt dypere research enn som så, samt kunne vise til kildene.

Jeg finner følgende:
The early findings from Canada are in alignment with studies of the impact of cannabis policy change on youth prevalence in other countries. A systematic review and meta-analysis (Melchior et al., 2019) assessing the effects of cannabis liberalization (i.e., countries where cannabis possession was decriminalized or legalized for medical or non-medical use) for those under age 25, reviewed 41 studies and found that overall, liberalization of cannabis control appeared to “have little effect on actual patterns of use among young people” (2019, 11), when use was assessed at either the 30-day or 12-month marks. Melchior et al also identified identified eight studies on the legalization of non-medical cannabis and through calculating standardized effect sizes across all studies, determined that this policy change was associated with a small increase in levels of youth use (a standardised mean difference of 0.03, 95% CI −0.01 to 0.07).
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Som rapporterer om lite endring i brukervaner etter legalisering, de tar ikke for seg brukerprevalens dog, som er det ene man så reduksjon i Amsterdam: De fikk flere yngre brukere i starten, men mindre brukerprevalens: Altså færre forstsatte å røyke ut livet/ut i voksen alder.
Sist endret av Dodecha; 3. februar 2022 kl. 15:28. Grunn: skrivefeil