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Sitat av Smoked_Salmon
Btw: Skjønner ikke hvorfor alle vil levle så fort? Er jo scaling i spillet som går etter hvor god du er i forhold til lvl elns. Jeg husker jeg strevde skikkelig meg min mage-kar som ble svinfort høy level..
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poenget me og lvl er nye mobs, bedre loot, sinsukt mye mer cash, flere spells/alle spells osv osv, har du problemer me en mage som har lvlet for fort har du gjort noe feil, magen min på lvl30 ruler det meste noe den har gjort hele tiden pga lvl skaleringen. Nytter ikke bruke samme spell type på lvl30 som du brukte på vei opp over, da kan du kite 10min på en mob noe som er veldig gør, men conj feks en Frost Atronach og kast Ghost walk på deg selv få opp mana på deg sjøl og agro på pet gå bak mob og start og spam dps me on touch spells funker every time, har du mye cash og skillsa til det på charen din can du lage spells me 120sec conj pets på noe som er meget digg og banker det meste...

og liker du ikke lvl skaleringa finnes der flere moder som hjelper bra her feks denne..

What I did was develop a loose formula for creating and assigning a static level based on that modifier as well as just trying to use good judgement. What I found however is that perhaps it was not best with some NPCs and actually most of the monsters if they did not scale at all, These NPCs would be for example the generic NPC types who typically are used in leveled creature lists for dungeons, Like Bandits, Maruaders, generic vampire types etc. In the case of these types of NPCs what I did was instead of making their level completely static I assigned a scaling CAP.

What this cap does is effectively allow them to scale with your character normally from level 1-XX depending on the type of creature they are. In the cause of the cap (XX) I used my own judgement based on their type. For example bandits will scale with you from lvl 1-25 and then stop. In which case they will continue to spawn on the map and in dungeons BUT will never be higher then 25. (Note: there are many different types of bandits, even though in the game they all are named "Bandit" some are actually a little tougher then others, so you could have 2 bandits spawn and one would be capped at say lvl 18 and another at 20, while the Bandit boss would be lvl 25.

I left this scaling in the game because it makes a little more sense how ever I fully admit that it still doesnt provide for the "Oh crap" moments many gamers like myself enjoy. What this mode DOES provide for is a potential feeling for accomplishment knowing that you are eventually going to advance to the point where bandits will be nothing to you. Ofcourse you will ahve to advance quite abit higher then level 25 to get to the point where Lichs and minotaur lords don't put up much of a fight, though it WILL happen as they have caps as well. The reason I left this scaling of monsters in was to ensure that the game didn't get to easy to quickly but at the same time provide for those who developed their characters long enough to eventually become a super powerful character.
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LINK - I've made a lvl scaling mod., Details inside. - LINK